Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Brooks is 4 Months

The first thing I want to say is THANK YOU to my amazing husband for giving me the opportunity to stay home with this sweet boy! I know that not everyone is able to stay at home and some moms are better moms if they have work as an outlet and I totally get it. But, for me, this is a dream job!

I'm not sure if all babies are this way, but for us, a lot happened during this last month.
*We finally switched from Newborn diapers to size 1 diapers! Wahoo!
*One morning he rolled over, so we had to stop swaddling him and find another solution for sleeping
*He went from sleeping 8 hours consistently at night to 11-12 hours. WAHOO!!!

We had a lot of fun activities going on this month, so I actually blogged about many of them. Instead of re-expaining them, I added links! Click on the links if you want to read more about that day! :)

14 week
15 week
16 week 
17 week...this was the Friday before Halloween, so we had to dress for the occasion

First up...the St. John Zoo Run. That was an adventure! HA!
So proud of my friends and most of all, Trevor! Awesome job babe!

OSU vs Texas game. Brooks is saying "OOOO" as in OOOOOO-SSSSS-U COWBOYS!

Oct 3 - Such a big guy in his bumbo. I love that he can sit up in this thing now. He loves it.

Brooks and I were featured in Tulsa Kids. Read about it here.

I went in to feed Brooks around 5 or 6am and then put him back down to sleep for another couple hours. When I checked the monitor, this is what I saw! Freaked me out!
Oct. 4
 So we had to stop swaddling and switch to Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit!
This picture just cracks me up!
On October 4th we had a family night with our life group and carved pumpkins. Brooks, of course, did most of the work. :)


Oct. 5

I love making him laugh! 

Brooks had a great time during his first trip to the fair.

Rocking his robe. Oct. 6

On October 7th some friends from church were having a vow renewal. This boy has been to more wedding festivities than I can count. Thankfully, we had no tears and he was really good during the ceremony.

Play time - Oct. 9

Best dad in the world! He's really good at multi-tasking! 

Best feeling in the world...excuse all the laundry everywhere!

Oct. 11 - Winston loves to hang out where ever Brooks is.

Oct. 12 - I am fully aware that I take WAYYYYY too many photos. But, I don't care, I'm having a blast!
This was the night that Brooks was up almost every hour fussy and crying until we would go in his room and rock him back to sleep. He was just super congested. He wasn't running a fever or really showing any other signs of being sick, but that stuffy nose just rocked his world. It last about 2 weeks but I think we are on the up and up now!

The next night we gave him a bath to hopefully break up some of the congestion, we rubbed some stuff that my aunt gave me for babies on his chest, feet and back, we used saline drops in his nose, we used the aspirator to get as much junk out before bed time and we elevated one side of his bed a little. I was so thankful he was back sleeping through the night after all our efforts.
Who doesn't love a bath towel pic!?

Our poor Winston was in a cone for a couple weeks.
On October 15th, Trevor and I loaded up Whiskey and Brooks and went to a park near our house. We wanted to have a little picnic for dinner and give Whiskey some extra attention.

I love my family!

We then made an Andy's run after the picnic...Brooks slept through the whole thing and let us eat our ice cream. We had a Pumpkin Pie concrete, of course!

Oct. 17

Bath time with all his toys :)

We HATE tummy time! I'm lucky if I can get Brooks to be content for one minute. But, I did snag a picture before the waterworks!

So sweet

Helping me make my mom's famous chocolate chip cookies!
Oct. 21
One October 21st my good friend Nichole and her now FIANCE :) flew in from Houston. We hung out at our house that evening, cooked dinner, chatted and got in the hot tub. It was sooooo good to see them, catch up and introduce them to Brooks.
Too cute!
The next morning we went to brunch at Smoke on Cherry Street before they had to leave town for a wedding. It's kind of our spot with them!
I loved getting to see them and hang out together, even if the time was brief!

Oct. 25

Oct. 25

I turned around to fold Brooks' laundry and Winston is passed out on the top of the pile.

We are slowly starting to like tummy time.

Oct. 26

They have the sweetest bond

Whiskey wanted to join the convo.

My mom swinging with Brooks at LaFortune.
On October 27th Trevor and I had a date night at the pumpkin patch. You can read about it here. Here are some of my favorite pictures from that day.

We celebrated Brooks' first Halloween, which you can read about here
He was a ninja turtle on Friday morning

Pistol Pete on Friday night

A skeleton on Sunday
Pistol Pete again on Monday

On Saturday of that weekend, we made a day trip to Devil's Den, which you can read about here. Brooks did so good! He loves being outside, so I wasn't too worried.

Oct. 30 - at Trevor's dad's house

Nightly convo's with dad
Every month just keeps getting more and more fun. I thank God every day for choosing me to be Brooks' mom. His smile can light up a room...and he is full of smiles!

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