Monday, November 6, 2017

Morris Brothers 16 & 1

I was a little stressed about keeping up with 2 kids on the blog, so I have decided to combine their monthly posts. ;)

Brooks turned 16 Months on the 1st. 
Rhett turns 1 Month on the 9th. 
*Hence the title: Morris Brothers 16 & 1 ;)

What Brooks has been up to:
Wow it is has been an exciting month!
*Brooks got his 1st haircut! He looks like such a big boy!!!
*Little man got sick again 2 days before we went to the hospital to have Rhett and had an upper respiratory infection, which led to a yeast infection. Poor guy! We are actually still battling this!
*Brooks became a BIG BROTHER!
*Brooks experienced the zoo for the first time and had a great time. 
*We are finally down to 1 nap. This was an adjustment, but after about a week and a half, it finally started to look up!
*Brooks was an OSU football player for Halloween and had a great time!
*We have added several words to our vocabulary, one of which is “sit.” This closely resembles a similar word that starts with “sh.” He says it ALL.THE.TIME because he wants to sit in your lap or on the couch or next to you. We get a kick out of it. Another new word is “bubby” which is what he calls Rhett. He has this little soft puppy that he carries around too, so a lot of the time we aren’t sure if he is saying “bubby” or “puppy.” Regardless, it’s super cute! He says “boo” all the time too when he is trying to play peek-a-boo with people. Some other words are “duck,” “geese” and cheese. He will also tell us when he wants rice which he calls “ice” or “sauce.” haha!

What Rhett had been up to:
He is a sleeping machine! I am not complaining!! He is such a chill baby. He likes being held, but also doesn’t mind chillin on the boppy. Somehow he sleeps through brothers screaming. Haha! At night he is sleeping in his crib most of the night and sleeping in our room in this little bassinet early mornings around the time Trevor leaves for work. He does so good at night. The last couple weeks he has even slept 5-6 hours straight, which is glorious. This is proof that God hears our prayers, even the silly ones. I prayed for both my boys to be good sleepers and they are (so far). 

Since this was Rhett’s first month, I did weekly posts which you can read here:

Here are our monthly pictures:

I had to take this photo a little early to make it on the blog. :)

These are pictures after Brooks’s 15 month post before Rhett was born. 

Cutie after his hair cut. 

His smile is the best!

Me and my mom took Brooks to Carmichael’s Pumpkin Patch one Friday afternoon and he had a blast! It was so much fun to hang out with Brooks and do something special with him before baby number 2 arrived.


He loved the goats! When we ventured away to look at other animals, he always went running back to the goats.

He was not a fan of the camels!

Here are a couple repeat photos from Rhett’s first, second and third week blog posts. 

Here is the start of Week 4 and new photos:

Wearing granddaddy’s boots. 

Sandbox fun! We have to take advantage of these beautiful fall days when we can!

My lil book worm. 

Fun Halloween can read about our night here

On November 1st Brooks turned 16 Months. He is a wild man these days, so we had a lot of bloopers. Haha! I thought this one was too cute!

November 2nd was my grandparents’ 65th wedddung Anniversary! Now that is something to celebrate! Which is exactly what we did! We drove to Kansas the first of November to celebrate with my whole family! We all had a great time!

Brooks got to play with tractors. 

And take basket rides around the house. ;)

We even had cute matching shirts for the party (thanks Samy), which I did not get a good picture of. Haha!

We loved celebrating these two!!!

GiGi and Great Grandpa’s house must have worn these two out!!

Being their mom is the BEST!! And getting to stay home with them is a dream come true. Some days are hard and I’m usually exhausted, but I love it. I wouldn’t want it any other way! A lady at Walmart approached me and said she could tell that I love being a mom and that was the BIGGEST compliment!

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