Thursday, June 5, 2014

3rd Anniversary

I've always wanted to share my brothers speech and I thought this was the perfect opportunity. He is an amazing writer and so for his speech he wrote us a poem...

It all started March 3rd 1988
If not for the pictures of me holding her, as a kid I don't think I was so sure about this date.
Her coming into MY playroom started all the rage,
Little did I know that 10 years later it would be home to speakers and a stage. 
American Girlz moved in, and out my stuff went
Except for when I came home from school, and there the nights I spent. 
My bedroom had become a room of polka-dots and such,
And then a year later this little sister of mine had a room to sleep in, a room to sing in, and a room to store all her stuff. 
Throughout the years we definitely had our brother and sister moments, 
Like when I said I won't tell mom where you hid your cut hair, I promise. 
Through the good times and the bad we've always been there for each other
And I want you to know that even though you're getting married you can always come to me as your friend and as your big brother. 
I could go on and on with moments we've had and laugh, or cry, about each one,
But this day is for you and Trevor so I will just move on. 
When we were younger you once told me "I want to marry someone like you"
Although no one can quite meet that standard, I guess Trevor will do. 
Being your big brother I know Trevor has put up with a thing or two,
Like a smashed car door on a first date, or being second to a seven pound Yorkie-Poo. 
Through the years we've all seen you both grow closer along the way,
And I couldn't be happier for both of you on this very special day. 
I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I wish you both the best,
May love and having each other there bring you both a lifetime of happiness. 

I love reading through that occasionally because it always makes me laugh... and cry

I love looking back on our perfect day.

View our First Anniversary.
View our Second Anniversary.
Yesterday we had an amazing day! We got coffee together in the morning and then had lunch at El Tequila. That afternoon we just hung out. We went on a walk with the pups, played some ping pong and made dinner together. Perfect day in my book.

Yummy Lasagna Rolls- they are a bit labor intensive, but so worth it!! I'll have to post the recipe soon.
Carrot cake!! Seriously, the best I've ever had! Check out the Pioneer Woman's recipe!
We wrapped up our evening by opening our goals. We each wrote 2-3 personal and 2-3 relationship goals that we wanted to accomplish on our anniversary last year. We didn't share them with each other and we haven't talked about them all year. So we finally got to open them up and read them to each other. It was amazing to see how many of our goals were the same and how much we have grown together this year. I'm excited to write this years goals and see where it leads us next year!

This has been the most amazing 3 years of my life! We have had some amazing things happen in our marriage that I am thankful for daily. We have also faced some tough days but when we face them together, something good always seems to come of it. I can honestly say that we are a team. I have so much love and appreciation for this amazing man and I am so excited to see what is in our future. He shows me daily what it's like to love and be loved.

<3 Love and be happy, be loved and be happier! <3

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