Saturday, December 31, 2011

I Tip My Hat to 2011

2011 has been AMAZING!!! I have some of the best memories from this particular year and it will always be a special one in my book! In honor of 2011 I thought it would be fun to write a blog about the highlights of each month this year! So here we go...

For an anniversary present to Trevor, I got us tickets to go to the Eric Church/Jason Aldean concert. We had a great time! Trevor had just got done taking his first rounds of CPA exams and I had just officially finished school, so it was a much needed celebratory concert!!

This was when we had the largest snow and ice blizzard I have ever seen! I have never really seen snow drifts that large before; I have a yard stick in the snow that says it's 24" high in places! Which is a little crazy in Tulsa Oklahoma! This is Trevor and Winston playing in it after been cooped up in the house for about 4 days.  We were anticipating the snow so we went and stayed at Trevor's mom's house for the week!

In March, I moved back to Branson (I had lived there the summer before as well) to start work again! Rehearsals started in mid-March and the opening day of the show was early April. This is the most fun I have ever had at a job and I seriously worked with the most amazing people! There was never a dull moment around this crew and I am so blessed to have been able to have this opportunity and to meet the people I did! Saloon Cast of are all missed! I hope you all have a great off season!


My fabulous friends threw me my bridal shower and bachelorette party!! I had such an amazing time and loved being with my friends!! We had the bridal shower at my parents house and I was so blessed by the number of people that came to show their support! I truly have the best friends and family! For the bachelorette party, the girls surprised me and we went to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino! The rest is history! ;) Again, thank you girls so much for everything you did!! It made my day more than perfect!


In May, Trevor graduated from Oklahoma State University with his Masters! Although I could not be there to celebrate this big moment with him, I was extremely proud of him! Not only did he graduate with his masters, but he passed all parts of the CPA his first time to take them! I definitely married a smarty pants!


June 4 to be exact was definitely a life changing day! Not only was it a highlight in 2011, but it was  the #1 highlight in my life! I had the joy of marrying my best friend this day! We had a wonderful ceremony and a great time with friends and family at the reception! We are so grateful for all our friends who came out to support us! I went from Miss Weller to Mrs. Morris and I am proud to take that name! After being together for over 7 years now I am still learning things about the man I married and every day is a new adventure together! I could not ask for a better husband and friend! Shortly after the wedding, we went on our honeymoon. We stayed at Secrets Maroma Beach just about 10 miles north of Playa del Carmen and it was absolutely beautiful! We had an amazing time!

The highlight of July was being able to work with Trevor. His job in Tulsa didn't start until August, so after the wedding Trevor got a job out at Silver Dollar City as the crowd control outside the Saloon (which was the theater I was performing in). We had a lot of fun because we got to ride to work together and have lunch together. It was probably the only time that we will ever work together, so it was exciting to be able to do that. I'm not sure Trevor enjoyed it as much as I did because he had to stand outside in 100 degree weather all day or stand in the rain! But overall it was a good experience for us both!

In August I got a new car!! As I mentioned in a previous blog I used to have a Jeep Wrangler and have always wanted another one! Well my wish came true and I got an Aztec Gold Jeep Wrangler Sport! Although I couldn't take the top off, I took advantage of taking the doors off and enjoying the weather!

Trevor had moved back to Tulsa and started work and I was still in Branson finishing up my contract out at Silver Dollar City. With Trevor being gone, it left a lot of time for me to hang out with friends! One of the best days was hanging out with these girls at the lake! We are all scardy cats when it comes to water sports so this is us at a top speed of 10 mph!


October was a bit of a life changing month! This picture was taken on my last day of work with these beautiful ladies! I had nothing lined up when I moved back to Oklahoma, so I was a little anxious about what was next in my life. The only thing I knew was that I didn't really like living apart from my husband after only being married a few months. But God has definintely provided for me and we have so many things to be thankful for! 
I went hunting for the second time in my life! I still have not shot a gun or anything, but I have enjoyed going and will probably continue to go a few times a year!


BEDLAM GAME!! And OSU was amazing!!!! Trevor actually got to go in the game, so the bottom picture was one he took when the game was over! Such an exciting time!

We have had some big events happen in our lives the past few weeks and now is the perfect time to share! I mentioned before that I recently got a job as a 6th grade Math teacher at Union! I am so excited to start this new position and meet all my students! Wish me luck on January 3rd!
With me getting this new position we have officially decided to BUILD A HOUSE! We have picked out our house plan, picked out all the colors in and outside the house, and have a lot chosen! We are so excited to start this process! Wish us luck!!!

Tonight we will be saying farewell to 2011 at the Eli Young Band concert!
Overall 2011 was an amazing year! There have been so many life changing events and I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store!

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