Thursday, November 8, 2018

Rhett is 13 Months

You will have to scroll to the bottom to see the progression of my trying to take this picture! HAHA! It is pretty comical! 

*This little boy is just not a baby anymore. I feel like his looks are changing a little and he is turning into a toddler. 
*A WALKING TODDLER! I LOVE seeing him walk. I love that he can now do several of the things his brother does that he has been itching to do. The crawling phase is my least favorite, to be honest, so I was jumping for joy when this little guy just took off! 
*Another took broke through, so we are up to 8 teeth. 
*He is not a fan of vegetables. He really never has been, but he is a fruit fanatic and he loves any kind of meat. 
*We had some SUPER cranky days this month. I don't know if he was going through a growth spurt or what, but some days were LOOOOOONG because he was so unhappy. Then, all of a sudden he was back to his usual happy go lucky self totally content playing with me or by himself! Those cranky days really made me stop and appreciate the normal ones! HA!

This trampoline might have been the best purchase. We spend so much time on it. We don't even jump half the time, it's just like a huge pack and play! Haha! 

And these cars are so much fun!! Rhett got the truck for his birthday, so now they can chase each other. Right now we just push Rhett around, but he'll get the hang of it soon!

He LOVES rides in the car!

Out of all of our toys, they prefer kitchen utensils! HA! 

I love that he is into books just like his brother. We have several book breaks throughout the day and it's something both boys look forward to! <3 

Looking so big!
Happiest baby ever! 


I just love my little sidekicks!

Happy Boy!

They loved the animals

I just don't think they look much alike!

Wild hair, don't care!

My lunch dates!

Hey Girl!!

Sandbox time before it gets too cold. 

I rarely get to see this boy sleeping, but I had to wake him up from one of his naps and he just looked so precious! <3 

Making messes!

Fun times at dinner because, who doesn't wear these all the time!

He loved the guineas! Pure entertainment!

We had so much fun as a family in Stillwater walking around, tailgating and enjoying family time!
Walks in the wagon!

My little dare-devil!

Unfortunately, I believe Ginny the Guinea has gone to be with her brothers and sisters. :(  This was one of the last pictures taken of her!

Fun times on the trampoline! <3 can go and read about our fun Halloween here.

I put this picture on here because the boys are just as much a part of my business as I am! I did this really fun $5 sale in my VIP group and it was a hit! My little helpers helped me box them up and ship them to all my customers. I love that they love books and that they love helping me with all the crazy stuff I'm doing! 

Brooks had fun learning to golf! Thanks Randy for helping!!!

Brooks and Kenna had a blast together. She even shared her golf clubs with B man!

That smile!!! <3 

Learning to ride, like brother!

I love seeing these guys on our land!

So these photos crack me up! They are getting harder and harder because Rhett does not sit still for ANYONE! I told him "no no" on touching the blocks and he starts crying hysterically!

I took the blocks away and he cried harder!

Finally, big brother came around and tried to get him to smile...

And when he finally got his hands on a block, he was the HAPPIEST kid on earth! HA! 


Love my littles!! 

These babies are the BEST! They are totally not babies anymore, but they will always be my babies! Haha! 

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