Sunday, June 10, 2018

Morris Brothers 23 & 8

Months seem to be going faster and faster these days! I can't believe Rhett is 8 months! I feel like he should still be an itty bitty newborn! 

Brooks turned 23 month (HOW IS HE ALMOST 2!!!) on the 1st.
Rhett turned 8 months on the 9th. 

What Brooks is up to this month:
*It's more like, what isn't Brooks doing! Haha!
*Basically he is doing everything he loved to do last month, so I'll just share a couple funny stories from this month. 
---We were at my grandma's house in Kansas a few weekends ago and Brooks was hanging out with my grandma and aunt. He was playing on her lawn mower and eventually wanted to get down. My aunt offered him a hand and he just said "self" (meaning...I'll do it myself, I don't need any help!). Once he got off the lawn mower successfully, my aunt told him good job. He must have agreed, because he said "good job self!" This definitely had us laughing all weekend. 
---Sometimes Brooks gets in trouble and he has to go sit in time out for a minute. Well, lately when I go talk to him after he has "served his time" haha, he starts giving me kisses and being really sweet. Little stinker! I'm never going to turn away a kiss from my cute little boy, so I'd say I'm in trouble! 

What Rhett is up to this month:
Kind of crazy, I went and head about Brooks at 8 months and I'm just going to copy and paste that info! Haha. 
*He has become a master roller. Who needs crawling when you can roll your way to everything.
*We still have 0 teeth but I think 1 might be on the way!
*He is a wild man in his walker! He is almost to the point of tipping it over when he is trying to grab something. He also likes to run into his brothers feet and the dogs. Neither of which are a huge fan of this. 
*He has to have something in his hands at all times. He will yell or do anything to get your attention if there is not something around him that he can hold. 
*He has been sitting up for awhile now, but he is getting really good at it. He used to just flail himself backwards when he was mad so I couldn't trust him to sit up alone, but now he doesn't do that as often. Haha
*We don't have to use the assist thing in the bathtub anymore. He is sitting up like a big boy and splashing brother every 2 seconds. 
*We transitioned out of Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit this month and into a Zipadee zip sleep suit. That worked awesome but then I forgot it when we took our trip to Kansas. He slept GREAT without it, so we are just sleeping in PJ's now. 

Usually my kiddos sleep's a coincidence that the day I wore this shirt, no one napped! HAHAHA! 

Master roller!

Brooks is obsessed with our cat Tango when we can find him!

I love story time with these two.

Playtime with grandma


Brooks set this up all by himself. Haha!

We spend a lot of days at the zoo. I love that he loves animals so much!

The coolest peacock!

Train Rides!

Thank you Chic-fil-A and Usborne Books and More for teaching me to draw!

He is CRAZY in this walker! I'm so thankful for it because he loves to follow Brooks everywhere and in this he can!

Mother's Day FUN!!!!

Thank you youversion bible for your awesome kids bible app! 

They crack me up in the car!

We LOVE when friends come to visit!!!!

I became obsessed with Usborne Books and More because my kiddo is obsessed!! I'm so thankful he loves books and learning! :) 

I'd say he liked it!

We spend a lot of time at the pool these day! 

OUCH! hahaha



Such a fun afternoon with these beautiful ladies!

DUE DATE BUDDIES finally meet!! 

Isn't this the COOLEST! I want to get a giant "B" for Brooks' room and an "R" for Rhett's room!  This is at Trevor's office.

Our morning read

Welp, it finally happened. Brooks was eating oatmeal out of one of my nice bowls (he has his own plastic stuff) and he accidentally knocked it off and broke it! Unfortunately, I cannot find this bowl again anywhere!! 

Tummy Time! He used to HATE being on his tummy, now that is where he spends most of his time and rolling around. 

We took a trip to Kansas to visit my grandparents (you can read about it here) and the boys HAD A BLAST!!! We are going back soon so Brooks can take more tractor rides! :) I loved all the photos we took there so I'm sharing a bunch on this blog too! :)

The one difference between Brooks and Rhett at this age is food. Brooks LOVED food. He loved trying new things and would eat about anything we put in front of him. Rhett is totally different. He will eat baby food, but he doesn't like the finger foods...puffs, those little wafer things, etc. He also doesn't like bananas or anything other than the jar baby food. And even those, he only wants to eat about half and then he is over it. I'm sure we will figure out what he likes eventually, so I'm not too worried about it, but that is the major difference between the two of them.

Drawing on the dog with chalk!

Brooks wants to do EVERYTHING his dad does. It is PRECIOUS!

Melt My Heart!!!
Here are a few more of his cute monthly photos! He is officially sitting and smiling for me these days!! No more trying to grab the blocks or throw the puppy! Haha!

I love when they sit together and read or play!

Such a big boy!

Wearing dad's shoes.

When friends come in town...we PLAY!!!

This CRACKED ME UP!!!! #mombrain

It was family weekend at Life.Church this past weekend, so we had to take a family pic! :)

He has an exam coming up...just studying those farm animals.

Y'all! I HATE snakes! Like, HATE them! Well, this BIG guy showed up on our patio the other day when we were playing! I grabbed the kids so fast and BOLTED inside. We proceeded to watch him out the window. Since that day, I can't go outside without checking every corner and crevice to make sure something isn't lurking around.

This might be the biggest snake I have ever seen with my own two eyes. No joke!

Some days you just have to nap on mama's lap!

Love this little boy!

He's definitely my snuggle-y kid! :)

Our daily Ranger rides!
 Some bloopers of this cutie...

He looks so chunky here, but he is actually a skinny little thing, except for the double chin!
I'm so thankful for these boys and I'm so thankful to be their mom. After being gone this weekend for a convention (I'll blog about that later), I was SOOOO EXCITED to see them again! The women that spoke at the convention not only spoke from a business perspective, but they were completely and totally encouraging of being intentional with our kiddos and making every minute count! I love that I get to spend my days playing, teaching, and most importantly present with these precious babies!

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