Monday, October 26, 2020

Holland is 5 Months

Actually as I'm writing this, Holland just turned 6 months, (like, today!) but better late than least that's what I keep telling myself! 

She's the CUTEST little thing!!! 
-She's still rolling from her back to her belly pretty much every time we lay her down. Then she gets stuck there and won't roll from her belly to back yet. 
-She sleeps amazing!! Usually from about 10:30pm-8:30/9am
-She likes to stay up late with mom and dad no matter how many times we try to put her down between 8-10:30. We've tried everything to move her bedtime up but she's not having it! I think the earliest was 9:45 and we were so excited! Haha! (The very last picture in this post says it all in regard to this!)
-She giggles all the time, especially at her brothers! They both love making he laugh and it's the CUTEST thing ever!
-I used to rock her and sway with her before each of her naps to get her to go to sleep but this month I tried just swaddling her up and laying her down! The first time she cried for 11 minutes and since then she fusses for a couple minutes and then puts herself to sleep! 
-Her naps are getting a little longer these days. She will nap usually at least 45 minutes and sometimes up to 2 hours. 
-At her last check up, girlie was in the 91st percentile! 
-She started eating solids this month! She wasn't a fan the first few times we tried it, but then she got an ear infection and was on amoxicillin for 10 days. She hated the amoxicillin at first and it took us awhile to give it to her and then all of a sudden she thought it was great. From that point on she's really liked all baby foods that we've given her as well!  
-She loves her play mat still and is really starting to enjoy her jumper!

We had a friend's birthday party to go to so Brooks stayed home with dad and got some things done and Rhett and Holland came with me and enjoyed the birthday can see Rhett living his best life! HAHA! 

Having a sister has truly brought out the sweet side in these boys. They like to feed their babies (animals), pretend to give them bottles, and take them on walks in the stroller. It's absolutely adorable!

They pick me flowers all the time!! (or weeds)

Rhett has been super into coloring this month. It's been really helpful because while I'm working on school with Brooks, Rhett gets to color and is totally entertained!

My work buddy!!

I love when they have these sweet moments! I was in the other room getting ready and when I came out, these two were all snuggled up! 
Always rolling to her belly.

She's really enjoying being in her high chair lately which I love! I pile up lots of toys and she drops them all! Haha!

I just discovered the cutest place in Tulsa for kids to play. It's called Adventure Avenue! I dropped Holland off with my parents and the boy and I hung out all morning with friends playing doctor, vet, firefighter, cook, all the things! 

This was probably Rhett's favorite!

Brooks loved the Doctor area! He actually told me he wants to be a doctor now! 

These two LOVE magnetic tiles! They build the tallest towers and have the biggest imaginations with these!

I was in the bathroom and Holland was crying. When I came out Brooks was feeding her saying that he didn't want to hear her cry! So sweet! 

Trampoline fun!

They built a road and it went all the way around our house! Haha! 

Working on school with Brooks...look at his arm around her! SO cute!

We had some friends in town and Brooks had SO much fun playing with Everly! 

We celebrated my mom's birthday! 

It's common that before the boys go to sleep we all congregate in Holland's room and read, play, climb in her crib, I don't even know. We just have some fun family time in her tiny little room together! 

Rhett working on his push-ups for soccer.
Brooks acting like a monkey....or doing yoga! Haha! 

Touch your toes!

Holland's first OSU game!!!

She loves all the crinkle books!

This is us....every night! HAHA! Holland ready for bed, mom and dad ready for Holland to go to bed and Holland WIDE AWAKE! Haha! 

Before I had the hysterectomy I wasn't sure if we were done having kids yet. Obviously the hysterectomy made that impossible to conceive more kids, and I wrestled with that for a little bit. However, the past couple months have just been so sweet. I love getting to stay home with these babies, homeschool Brooks and get to be their mama. I have had these really big emotions of feeling so content and so at peace with everything that's happened. I feel like our family is exactly where we're supposed to be and I'm trying to enjoy every moment and every day because goodness, it goes quickly! Happy 5 months sweet girl! You have completed our family! 

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