Saturday, July 27, 2019

UBAM National Convention 2019

Wow! I never would have guessed that this “little side business” would have turned into what it has. I also had no idea the friendships and support I would feel from this group of women! Personal or business related, these women are there for me, cheering me on, helping me be a better mom and wife along with helping me be the best leader and business woman I can be! It was so wonderful getting to see them all in person, catch up, brainstorm and collaborate on how to end illiteracy in our nation! 

Being a wife and mom to the best of my ability is my number 1 priority. And it’s crazy how this business has given me the tools to be even better in those areas along with having this thing of my own. 

It’s help astronomically in my confidence. I can’t say I’ve never been confident in myself, but I am totally an introvert and sometimes struggle with confidence. Although this business can be a little vulnerable at times, it has really help build up my confidence at a time when I needed it most! 

And getting to walk across that stage and accept an award for selling over $30,000 in my first year was unbelievable! I NEVER thought that would be me! I never imagined that I could actually be successful in this! Trust me, if I can do it, so can YOU!!! 

This business has been a true witness of women cheering other women on! Seriously celebrating with them when someone achieves something, cheering for them even when your business isn’t on the same level! I can’t explain how that feels, but as a women I have grown tremendously in this area. It’s easy to fall into jealousy or feeling superior to someone when you start comparing. That is NOT what this business is about! When one succeeds we all succeed because our mission is being accomplished!! Get books in the hands of kids! Get books in the hands of ALL kids to end this illiteracy crisis!! 

I have the most amazing team! I’m so thankful these women took time out of their busy lives to pour into themselves and their business! 

I’m so thankful for you, Carrie! You have led the way beautifully and I’m so glad that God placed me on your team! You are an inspriation in this business but also as a God fearing woman! 

We also like to party in PJ’s! Which is how most of us party all the time with our book biz, right!?

We are going to HAWAII for free next year ladies!!! You read that right...UBAM offers incredible incentive trips every year and you can bet that I’ll be there next year!!!

I get to party in my PJ’s, I get to spoil hostesses with free books all the time, I get unlimited support from this group of ladies and so many more, I get to lead an amazing tribe of women and help them build thriving businesses, I get to teach my kiddos the value of books and an education, I get to build up my kiddos library with the most amazing children’s books essentially for free, I get to meet new people all the time and help them find the perfect books for their families, I get to give back to my community with book drives, I get to change the course of my families finances, I get to show my kiddos that anything is possible if you work hard and most importantly I get to spread the love of Jesus to more and more people every month because of UBAM! If this sounds like something that you might like, there are only a couple days left of an incredible kit special! Ask me how you can do this too! I’d love for you to join me on this incredible mission!

You know another great part about this is, I have a husband who has also seen so many benefits from this business! He has seen a change in me and he has seen our children thriving because of the knowledge they have received from these books. The cutest day ever was when Brooks was pretend playing and he was delivering book boxes to kiddos in need! MELT MY HEART!! What a servant heart this boy has from watching his mom do what she loves! 

This is totally a FAMILY business and I wouldn’t want it any other way! Thank you to my incredible husband who supports me and encourages me daily! 

This year has been unforgettable, but I’m determined to make this next year even better! I want to get more free books into children’s hands, I want to grow my team so they can experience all the benefits of a thriving business, I want my kiddos to see their mom working hard on something that matters, I want my time with them to be special and cherished which means being more disciplined during “work hours” and I want to go to Hawaii next year! 

Who’s with me!?

Once upon a husband talked me into starting a business and the rest is history! 

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