Saturday, July 27, 2019

Branson Bound Birthday!

I can’t believe my BABY is THREE!!! I’m not sure how that happened! I think he is more like a five year old at times and I have to remind myself he is only 3. He talks extremely well, has a huge vocabulary, asks the most challenging questions and learns so many new words daily! I am so impressed by him, proud of him and so thankful God chose me to be his mama! 

We wanted to do something a little different this year, so we took him to Silver Dollar City in Branson and spoiled him with a trip. It was incredible! He had a total blast and loved every minute of it! 

We left on Sunday right after our National Convention and checked into our AirBNB that evening. Monday was Brooks’s birthday so we headed to Silver Dollar City. 

One of our first stops was the SALOON SHOW!! For those of you that don’t know, this was my job for a couple years and it was one of! So fun!

He was a little scared to take a picture, so I might have bribed him with ice cream! Haha! Mom of the year, I know! 

Brooks got to ride his first roller coaster and several other rides. Poor Bubby only got to ride one ride at Silver Dollar City, but he still had a blast! 

We, of course, got Birthday ice cream as promised! 

And we had a great time shooting all the targets on this ride <I can’t remember the name of this, haha!>

Rhett had so much fun that he couldn’t last the whole day! Little man literally fell asleep on my shoulder and we were both SO SWEATY his poor face kept slipping off my shoulder! He was out for a solid hour like this...

The next day revolves around miniature golf and go-carts! I think go-carts are Brooks’s new favorite thing! It was so much fun riding with him and seeing pure joy on his face! 

Miniature golf didn’t go as well as go-carts! Haha! The golf course must have known we wouldn’t get much golfing in because they let us all golf for free. I will recommend Pirates Cove golf course to everyone for this! We looked like we were hurding cats more than golfing, but we had a great time and it’s not something we just laugh about! 

We spent Wednesday morning touring the fish hatchery and hanging out at Moonshine Beach. It was their first time to really swim this year, so we spent most of the time helping them grasp this whole swimming thing, but by the end they were doing really well. 

We then ended the night with more go-carts and a Ferris wheel ride! 

Fun fact, this Ferris Wheel was the one at the Navy Pier for 20 years. Now it’s in Branson!

Before we headed back home on Thursday, we hit up the pool at the house we were staying at! The boys did much better in the pool than in the lake. 

Happy Birthday sweet boy!! We love you SO MUCH and we had so much fun vacationing with you!

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