Monday, May 13, 2019

Rhett turned 18 Months and then 19 Months....HA!

Well, the last couple months just slipped by! Whoops! This never happened with Brooks...poor second child syndrome! Ya feel me?!

Little man is still a mama's boy through and through. He also LOVES being held! Whoever said, "once they walk they will never want to be held" never knew Rhett. He loves his mama and he loves being in my arms ALL.THE.TIME!
We have a couple more words under our belt. Mama, Dada, Papa, Bubu, Doggie, Banana, Frog (doesn't really sound like frog, but I know what he's saying), Tractor, Cat, hi, bye-bye. I'm still a bit worried about his speech but I know it's not his hearing. We had his hearing checked and it's perfect, so on to the next step.
We all had a stomach bug this past month and it was AWFUL! Rhett had it for 8 days, Brooks had it for 5, I had it for 2, Trevor escaped it but we did pass it to everyone else in our families. It was a solid week of vomit, diarrhea and complete grossness! So thankful that is over and done with and I will never wish that upon anyone's family! Trevor was actually out of town for the bulk of it...lucky guy!

Onto our life in pictures...
Don't worry...we were just driving to get the mail or through a pasture! 

He's the cutest! 

Wheelbarrow Rides! 

He loves to help and be a part of whatever we are doing! 

I ate ice cream SO MUCH when I was pregnant, I think it is this kids love language! 

Zoo date with friends! 

Trampoline fun!

I love our outdoor lunch dates! 

We saw these two beautiful swans on our land recently. They were only there a couple days, but the boys loved going to check out the pond to see if they were there. 

Lots of wagon rides for these two!

We had so much fun visiting my Grandma and Grandpa at the end of March. The boys had so much fun making cookies, helping cook, sitting in a tractor tire and playing on their newly built jungle gym.

We finally got our 2nd tree swing hung up closer to our house. 

More dates to the zoo!!

You know we spent 10 minutes with the meerkats! For some reason they both LOVE the meerkats!

This little man is LOVING books these days! When he wakes up from his nap he always wants a snack...oh, that is another word he is saying. And then he gets really upset when the snack ends (ha) and the only thing that makes his stop crying is to read a book together! I can do that!

This guy has always been my bookworm! And this one is one of his favorites right now! He is getting pretty good at his ABC's and matching it to words that start with that letter.

helping mom mow the side yard. 
EASTER! The boys had so much fun hunting Easter eggs, dying Easter eggs and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.

What an ornery face!

I love our church home!

This next photo might have been my FAVORITE moment from the past couple months. Trevor and I were really preoccupied with laying our new floors (aren't they beautiful?) and the boys just sat down with books scattered all around them. Brooks picked up that little book and started asking Rhett to point to different things. I got a video and it was so sweet...Brooks would say "Bubby, can you find the mouse?" He would encourage him and help him until he successfully pointed to the mouse. Then he would say "good job, Bubby!" SO SWEET!!!

The day after Easter Rhett got a stomach bug...Monday was only the beginning! It lasted until the following Wednesday and passed to everyone in the family and everyone we came in contact with! YUCK! 

They might be laughing here, but they were just hanging on! 

So sweet! I'm sure lots of memories will be made on this pond.

He always wakes up from a nap earlier than Brooks, so we get lots of one-on-one snuggles!

Ridin along in my automobile...

I love when they bring all their books in the kitchen, spread them out and go to town! It's the cutest! Brooks has been loving showing Rhett all the new things he is learning. 

Books also make good tunnels for your cars to drive through! 

And just like that...we are 19 months old!

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