Friday, March 22, 2019

So late! HA! Rhett is 17 Months

This month has been a little rough with Rhett. Maybe that's why I'm so late on blogging! HA! Before this month Rhett only had 8 teeth and last I counted, he was in the process of getting 9 more! And 4 of them are his molars, soooooo we have been a bit cranky, clingy and not sleeping as well as normal! Nighttime has been totally fine, although even after the time change he was still getting up super early. But, naps would only be 40 minutes to maybe an hour and a half. Thankfully, we are back to our 3 hour naps! YAY! He is also crazy clingy to ME! If I'm in the room and I'm not holding him, he is crying and throwing some major tantrum. This makes prepping breakfast, lunch or dinner extremely challenging! The only thing that *sometimes* works is to play hide-and-seek/peek-a-boo with him while trying to get small things accomplished as I'm running around our island like a crazy person. Ha! Or I just wait until Trevor gets home. 

He is really only saying mama, dada and banana. Most people I have talked to said not to worry because second kids are sometimes a little later in the talking department because the older sibling is always talking for them (which is TOTALLY true in our case). It's still something I plan to talk to our pediatrician about. Did anyone else experience this where the second kiddos talked later than their first?

Here is a glimpse of our mainly FREEZING February with a couple nice days sprinkled in...

This picture was taken really late, but it'll do! 

These boys love to read and I'm totally okay with it! <3 Rhett has gotten more and more into books this month and I'm loving it! 

B LOVES helping me cook or bake. He always wants to pull the chair over or go and get our large stool. It's always a total mess when he helps (because he has to do everything himself) but I sure do love when he helps! 

Finally a pretty day! 

They love pushing these cars everywhere. Rarely do they actually sit and them and "drive."

For Valentine's Day I wrote out 14 reasons why I love these two. It was a pretty fun day talking about all of them together.

No month is complete without a zoo visit and a train ride! 

Valentine's Day goodies from Grandma! 

He is so handsome!

We love birthday parties!!!

The boys love helping dad check the deer cameras. Here are a few fun shots...

I went to a fun little get together with all the Tulsa girls from my Usborne Books and More team and they had Nibbles cookies! I had to save one for Brooks! He talked about it for DAYS!!! And if you haven't heard of Nibbles and you have kiddos, tell me and we will make sure you get a copy! They are so fun!

I'm not sure anything could be more precious! Brooks loves his bear, Grizzly. He reads to him, he invites him to eat with us at every meal, he includes him in building with is just precious!  

It was so nice out one day we ate outside! 

And then the next day was freezing, so we were pulling out all the stops on fun things to do inside! 

This picture makes me smile for so many reasons! I can't wait to see their brotherly bond!

We even built a fort inside and then played with our Shine-A-Light books! That's another one that if you have kids and don't have a shine-a-light book, you are missing out!! Let me know and I'll find the perfect one for you!

I love his hair! HA


I work from my phone a lot, so one day we were trying to get the boys ready for bed and Brooks declared that he had to work. He ran and grabbed his play phone and then came and sat by me. HA! 

Another meal with Grizzly.

I had some fun rearranging the boys's book shelves and I really like how they turned out!

I'm celebrating my family of 4 this month! I love these boys so much and before too long, my youngest will be a year and a half! So crazy!

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