Saturday, February 9, 2019

Rhett is 16 Months

January has been good to us and I love seeing my boys play together and really interact. We are loving this stage in the game! It's really hard for me to imagine that when Brooks was Rhett's age we were welcoming Rhett into our family! HA! It still feels like Rhett is a "baby." I know he's really not a baby anymore, but he seems so much younger than Brooks was when I had Rhett. I don't know if that's because we were trying to make Brooks a little older since we were having a second or if that just comes with the territory of being the youngest. I'm not sure, but I also wouldn't trade their age gap for anything. I love that I can walk away for about 5 minutes (lol) and now really have to worry about anything. Someone will yell or scream if not being treated kindly. I love that we can go outside and play or walk to the mailbox and no one has to be carried...although Rhett has thrown some epic meltdowns to be carried back to the house from the mailbox (which is a quarter of a mile walk)! I love that they talk and kind of understand each other. Rhett doesn't say very many words yet, but he knows how to get his point across. And if we don't understand him, Brooks has a way to figuring out what he wants! Haha! 

We didn't take as many pictures this month, but we definitely had fun! 

I have been wanting to take them both to Skyzone lately since Rhett is so mobile now and we had a BLAST!  I was thankful my mom joined me though because they didn't always want to play in the same area.

How cool is this?? It actually has running water! I'm just teaching them early how to wash dishes! 

He is really getting into books and I LOVE it! 

He might be the MESSIEST kid I have ever met! I mean, after meal time, he is just gross! HA! If Trevor is home, I make it his job to clean him up because I feel like that is what I do all day! lol! 

It had been quiet for toooooo long...I didn't want to spoil the moment, so I was hiding while I took this picture. I just stuck my phone out there and hoped I captured the moment. I love their love for books!

We've played with these hats A LOT! We love riding our stick horses and acting like cowboys! 

We had such a fun time at the Gathering Place one Friday. There was hardly anyone there because it was so cold, but we bundled up and enjoyed ourselves. I was surprised how excited Brooks was to be up there. He is normally very cautious, but he was loving his time with dad.

This is how I feel most of our family pictures will look like from here on out. Haha!  
He is a MAMA'S BOY! 

I loved getting to celebrate Eva and Josh as they will be welcoming baby Tristan VERY soon! My bet is that he will come on 3/3 because it's such a great day to be born! 

I AM SO PROUD of this kid! I can confidently say that he is potty trained! And when he goes poop in the potty, we stop everything and eat ice cream (don't judge)! He loves wearing his big boy underwear and was so excited to pick out exactly what he wanted. 

This was another moment when they had been super quiet in Rhett's room and when I went to go check on them I was BEAMING! It quickly turned into an argument on who was going to be in charge of lifting the flaps, but hey, I'm counting this as a win!

Like I said...this kid is a mama's boy and will do just about anything to get to snuggle with me. I don't hate it! <3 

I needed an updated picture from Trevor's work...aren't these the coolest bookshelves? 

Having some fun! 

This month was so much fun because I got an awesome promotion with UBAM! I'll have to blog about that later, but I felt like these pictures were necessary to include in a post about my boys because they are so much a part of my business! I try to do a lot when they are napping, but I do save some of my work for when they are awake because they can be the BEST helpers! They love helping me pack prizes and put address labels on the packages. They love helping pick out books for the different boys and girls I'm sending things to. And they are my awesome helpers when I have to run to the post office. Those nice post office workers always entertain them with lots of stickers! lol! So, I feel like my kiddos got a promotion along with me! I love getting to fill my house with the BEST quality books, I love getting to share these books with my kiddos and I love that my kiddos get to see their mom owning her own business, see the entrepreneur side of things and getting to be a part of this with me!


Best sight in the world! 

I love hearing him "read" in the mornings. 

The lemon didn't even faze him! He even asked for another one. Haha! 

Nightly cuddles! 
Now onto month 17th!

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