Wednesday, January 9, 2019


What a FUN month it has been with lots of celebrations and time with family! 

Look at this sweet picture! I can hardly get him to sit still, but somehow I managed this one. <3
*This little man is all over the place! He is walking/running/dancing (he LOVES to dance) and climbing on everything. If he sees Brooks doing something, he wants to be right there in the action.
*He loves to give kisses and wave good-bye. I love his kisses, although they are normally super wet! HA! And his wave is adorable. He will also blow kisses. <3
*He really doesn't say any word other than "dada." He said "mama" awhile back and "bubu"...I even have video proof, but now he will only say "dada." When Brooks turned 15 months he vocabulary just exploded, so I'm waiting for that day. This little man knows how to get his point across but he does it every other way except talking, despite our efforts!
*He used to love to eat meat, but all of a sudden he is not a fan. He also doesn't like veggies, so I am at a bit of a loss. If it's not bananas, mixed fruit, applesauce, oatmeal, eggs or mac and cheese he seems to hate it!
*I switched him to one nap a day just last week. As I'm typing this it is 3:18 and he went to sleep at 1. This has definitely been the best day in his napping world in awhile. He used to always take a pretty decent morning nap from like 10:30-12. But then he was hit or miss if he would take an afternoon nap. So he would be totally spent by 6pm and cranky. So, I just decided to switch him to 1 nap and FINALLY him and Brooks nap at the same time! (They have been on total opposite schedules for some time now!) So, I'm happy to report that after a week or so, taking one nap a day is a success! We just have to work really hard around the 10:30 hour to not let him fall asleep. We usually go outside or do something really fun so he forgets he's super tired. Haha!

One of my favorite things about last month was Christmas! Trevor and I decided to do a 12 Books of Christmas, so the 12 days leading up to Christmas we let the boys open 1 gift, which were super cool books from my super cool business! :) Twinkly, Twinkly Christmas Tree was a HIT! Brooks asked to sleep with it every night! Yes, those are real working lights embedded in the book!
Brooks impresses me every month. He is talking/singing/memorizing things every day. One day Trevor was in his room putting his pajamas on and all of a sudden he said "God loved the world sooooo much that he gave his only son. John 3:16" I yelled from the other room, "did you teach him that?" and Trevor said "no, I thought you taught him that." We had just been to church for our Christmas services, so I have to give credit where credit is due! Thank you LifeKids for teaching my kiddo! He will start saying it at random times. Or if I ask him to recite John 3:16 he will bust into the verse proudly. It has definitely lit a fire under me to start memorizing more scripture! I have not exactly made that a priority. He has the best memory and will ask me about things that happened a week prior.
He also LOVES to sing! He has this sweet song memorized from BSF that goes "Good morning God, this is your day, I am your child, show me your way." We sing that daily! Lol! He also loves Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jingle Bells. I have tried to tell him multiple times that we cannot listen to Jingle Bells anymore since Christmas is gone, but he insists daily!

Here is our month in pictures!...
Winston was mad that he was not the center of attention once again this year, so he would eat our presents daily when we would leave the house...

We of course had to see Rhema Christmas lights! Brooks loved driving around at night and looking at all the Christmas lights. 

12 Books of Christmas! 

This was a Christmas gift to Brooks from several family members. I was SO impressed with how it turned out and Brooks LOVES his new bed! He tells people about it everywhere we go!

I love that we have the trundle because I'm sure the boys will want to have sleep overs in each others rooms often as they get older. 

My first baby turned 10 on December 17th! Happy Birthday Winston!

He was SO excited! We had a couple finishing touches still to do (like rope to help pull out the trundle), but it is finished now. 

This was a fun craft day with the boys! These Fingerprint activities are so cool! And wayyyyy less messy than paint! 

This is an accurate picture of Christmas for the boys! HAHA! They were swimming in gifts and loving every minute! 

They love their new bears from Great Grandma!

Pajama and doughnut party with friends!


He was SO excited for these Pajamas! He loves the book and show If You Give a Mouse a Cookie so I knew he would love these pajamas. We gave the boys new pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve so on Christmas morning they could wake up and open gifts in their new pajamas. I have seriously never seen Brooks so excited. I felt like mom of the year! lol!

Trevor and I did a date night the night before Christmas Eve and opened our gifts from each other. It was nice to have quiet time together! lol! 

We got in the hot tub after opening gifts and this was so neat to see with the ring around the moon. 


He loved saying "a gift...for ME"

I loved getting to serve with my worship family! What an incredible set with an incredible team and got to be a part of that 1,435! So cool!

Christmas as GiGi's!
I love this photo for so many reason!

And I love this little girl for so many reason!

Brynlee is looking at Rhett like, what are you crying about!?

A trip to the Gathering Place was so much fun with family.

I love his smile!

 And our last Christmas was celebrated with my family a couple days after Christmas!

He loves his new play sink...that actually works!

This is where we spent NYE. We were planning on having our life group over but we had to cancel because Brooks ended up running a fever that afternoon and developed an awful cough. To be honest, it was a really fun evening just hanging out the two of us. I enjoyed every minute! 

The boys got a ton of play food for Christmas, so we asked Brooks if he wanted to use his Christmas money to get a kitchen. He was SO EXCITED!

I love our nightly snuggles with milk and a good book!

We also had a fun play day with our cousin Jude! 

These three are going to have so much fun together! 

And they LOVE their Great Grandma! 

Switching this guy to one nap is finally paying off!!!

We are loving the warm weather right now!

They love their tree swing! We have another one, we just need to get it hung!

Some fun with Dollar Store finds! The big one started off the size of the small one. It has been soaking in the bath for a few days and growing like a weed!

Who doesn't love pink and purple baths!

What a fun month! I'm so excited to see all the adventures that 2019 will bring!

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