Friday, March 30, 2018

March Date Nights

March was a little chaotic, so I can't say that we did our best work when planning dates this month. We will make up for it next month though.

If you are just joining us on this, Trevor and I started doing dates nights every week when our son Brooks was born (almost 2 years ago, WOW)! We do a variety of things from having the kids join us, to doing it after they go to bed, sometimes finding sitters, etc. Most of them are very inexpensive and something creative. It has changed our marriage and made us very intentional about having time together.

Here is our month of March:

March 1st: We didn't really have a date night because we were leaving the next day for a weekend getaway for my birthday. You can read about that here. I would consider this whole weekend a "date night."

March 8th: Trevor and I are marriage coaches at our church and they were hosting a Marriage Coaching Dinner to introduce our new curriculum this night. So, that was our date night. We were served Red Rock Canyon Grill which is DELICIOUS! And we were introduced to SYMBIS. Y'all, this curriculum is WONDERFUL! If you are engaged, happily married or your marriage is on the rocks, I would HIGHLY recommend going through this curriculum. It is good and gets you communicating about things that you might never discuss otherwise.

March 15th: We had planned to have dinner with some people this night, but plans changed and it left our schedule open. We needed to get a few things done, so we decided to have dinner at Tropical Smoothie Cafe and then we went to the mall because Trevor and I both needed a couple things from there. I can't say it was the most fun date ever, but we got stuff done that needed to get done.

March 22nd: Since we are starting a new curriculum at church, we had to get certified to become facilitators. So, we dedicated this night to finishing our certification. We made shakes and got stuff done.

March 29th: We were invited to a friends 30th Birthday on the 30th. It was an Olympics themed party so we had to pick a country and make outfits. So, our date night consisted of making Iceland shirts and watching Seinfeld.
Here are a couple pictures from the party...
Ice Ice Baby 

Happy Dating!!

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