Monday, October 16, 2017

Rhett's First Week

We have had an AMAZING 1st week as a family of 4! God is so good and we are so thankful for these sweet blessings that God has entrusted us with. Rhett is just the sweetest most easy going baby and we are so thankful for that. My recovery was of course a recovery, but it has been quick and minimal. I am so glad for this since I want to remain active for Brooks and able to play with him like normal. Trevor was able to be home with us all week which was so nice. I know not all companies allow their employees, especially men, to take much time for babies, but we are so thankful for this time together as a family and time to bond with the baby and time to get acclimated to life with 2 kids. Like I said, we had a great week!

Rhett was born on Monday the 9th at 2:01 pm so we were released from the hospital at 2:00 on Tuesday. They gave us the option to stay another night but I don't sleep well in those hospital beds and I was anxious to get home and start figuring out our new normal. So, we headed home. 

That afternoon/evening we had a couple visitors, but for the most part we just relaxed, played with Brooks and cuddled Rhett. Thank you to Trevor's dad for bringing us dinner. We enjoyed it for a few meals. 

I was a little worried about the first night at home because Brooks cried from about 11-2 his first night home, so we were expecting that. However, this little dude is so chill. He honestly didn't cry once throughout the night. We ended up having to set alarms every 3-4 hours to wake him up to feed him. I know not every night will be like that, so I'm going to bask in the ones that are! 

My only goal on Wednesday was to go for a walk. We had a couple errands to run and a doctors appointment. The doctor appointment went well, unfortunately, Brooks was the one we were worried about. The appointment was for Rhett but we had him check out Brooks too because his bottom was sooooooo red from the medication that he was on. (He got sick 2 days before we went to the hospital to have Rhett!) The doctor confirmed that it looked terrible and that it turned into a yeast infection. Poor baby! Thankfully he gave us some recommendations on what to use that should help our little man. If I'm being honest, it was a little stressful bringing home a new baby and having your 15 month old in so much pain from medication. I cried a few times when I knew Brooks was in so much pain. I know I'm more emotional right now, but it was just so sad to change his diaper and to see him so unhappy when all I wanted was my happy go lucky guy meeting and getting acquainted with a new brother. I know this is nothing in the big scheme of things, but it did make me sad. 

I got my wish and we went on a walk late that evening before the sun went down. 

I also received these beautiful flowers from some amazing friends!!! Thanks G-Phi ladies! You all are so sweet! 

Wednesday night was about the same as Tuesday. This sweet baby boy just barely ever cries. I'm not complaining and I'm sure it won't last, so I'm enjoying every minute!

Thursday was a relaxing day at home. 

Gosh, he is precious!!!

That evening my parents came over and were able to hangout with the boys. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, so we were able to enjoy our awesome porch! 

That evening was really the first time Brooks took an interest in baby. To be honest, he doesn't have a clue really what's going on. The one thing I do know is that Brooks is very attentive when Rhett cries. He will stop what he is doing, run to wherever Baby is and watch him. That's the most attention he will give him right now and it's really sweet. 

I have to show off this kids hair. That explains all the heartburn!!!

I'm obsessed!!! 

Friday was a fun filled family day at the zoo. It's probably crazy to think we went to the zoo 4 days after giving birth, but I was determined. Before we had Rhett I really wanted to take Brooks to the zoo. However, it's been so hot and I have not really enjoyed being outside while being pregnant. So, I though the perfect time to go would be the week that I have the baby because Trevor could come since he's off work and it would be fun family time. So, I promised myself that if I was feeling good, we'd go. So we did! 

You have to wear animal print to the zoo. 

The tiger was probably Brooks's favorite. 

He didn't really want to touch the animals, but he enjoyed talking to them. ;)

We were all a little tuckered out from the zoo. 

That evening was a little rough compared to the others. I think Rhett's tummy hurt because he had a very serious cry and his body would clench up. I felt terrible for him. We were all able to get to some sleep, but he was more restless than previous nights and he woke up letting us know when he was unhappy instead of us having to wake him up. 

Saturday morning, baby boy got his first bath. It went about as expected...he cried quite a bit because he hates being cold. But, he made the cutest elephant!!

I think comparisons are fun, so here is a fun side-by-side of Brooks and Rhett from their first baths. 

Saturday was wonderful! My family from Kansas came in town to visit and it meant so much to me! My grandma and grandpa wanted to meet their newest great grandson and my cousin came to take newborn photos.!!! Seriously, she is like a baby whisperer. She is due to have her baby in January and I KNOW she will be an amazing mom because of how she has been with both of my boys! I can't wait to see her as a mama!! 

Carley in action:

I CAN'T WAIT to see these picture!!!!

She did send me a sneak peak of one...


Saturday night was another great night. Baby had a 4 and 1/2 hour stretch of sleeping and would have slept more, but I woke him up because I was nervous. He also had a 3 hour stretch in his crib. I was a little nervous leaving him in his room all alone, but he did great! I probably slept worse during that time because I kept checking the monitor to make sure all was well. 

Sunday was like the first fall day we have had. Thank goodness! I'm ready for cooler weather. 

We headed to church...somehow we made it to the 8:30!

This outfit is adorable!!!

We finally got the sandbox completely finished for Brooks. 

Snuggles with dad before he goes back to work on Monday. 

I can't believe it's been a week. It's been a dream week because Trevor was home with us so tomorrow really starts our new normal. I'm excited but nervous. 

As we were at church on Sunday I kept tearing up during worship. I just felt so happy and complete and truly blessed by God. Then, the message was partly about fulfilling your calling and I felt so content. If I experienced all these emotions through worship, I'm exactly where I need to be. Home with my babies and getting to lead worship. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing you are exactly where God wants you in this particular season. 

Rhett, you make life feel complete. You are the perfect addition to our family. Big brother is still warming up to you but I know he loves you. When you cry, he gets very concerned and will just stare at you with sad eyes. I can't wait to see the bond that you two will share. 

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