Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Heart is Overflowing

I can't believe I am a mom of 2. As I'm laying here holding this precious boy, I am filled with so many emotions, I feel like my heart might burst from joy!

My due date was October 11th but we all just couldn't wait until then. ;) I had a doctor appointment last Wednesday, the 4th and I was dilated to a 4-5 and 80% effaced. I thought he would just come any day! My contractions definitely progressed through the week and weekend and we decided to be induced Monday (the 9th) if he hadn't already come by then. We needed to get both of our dogs to family members and I had to ask my MIL to take off work to watch Brooks the days we were in the hospital. There were so many people to coordinate with, it was nice to have somewhat of a plan. On Sunday night we got the pups dropped off and Brooks headed to Grandma and Papa's house. Trevor and I decided to have a last dinner together just the two of us before baby number 2 made his appearance. I was having so many contractions, I honestly didn't know if I'd make it to the following morning. We decided to go to Charlestons, which is where we went before we had Brooks too. We got home from dinner and crashed. Me, Trevor and Brooks all came down with this crazy cough, congestion, sore throat business over the weekend, so we were all feeling under the weather. Needless to say, we wanted to get to bed early in preparation for the next day and weeks to come. Somehow I made it through the night and we headed to the hospital as planned.

We needed to check in by 6:30am, so we left around 5:50, made a pit stop at Einstein Bagels (YUM) and made it on time to St. John. Shortly after being admitted they started the smallest dose of Pitocin. Since I was already dilated a good bit at my last appointment they didn't want to give me too much since my body was already doing a lot on it's own. At 8:05 my water broke and at 8:40 I got an epidural. After my water broke they weren't sure how fast I would progress since this was baby number 2 and they usually come faster. So, I made sure to get the epidural while I could. I was nervous (again) to get this epidural, but it went so smooth. This epidural was way different than the one I had with Brooks. I had almost full mobility in my legs this time. I wasn't able to feel pain, just pressure, but I was able to move my legs on their own instead of having to physically move my legs with my hands. I liked this one better because I was able to tell when I was having a contraction (without feeling any pain) and I was able to feel exactly where baby was when I was pushing (again, without feeling any pain). I was also able to walk just fine about an hour after delivery, where with my first one it was several hours later.

Around noon they completely stopped giving me Pitocin. My body was doing enough on it's own and the Pitocin was making baby a little upset. My body must not like Pitocin because this happened with both boys. At 1:35pm my body was ready and I was able to start pushing with just my nurse. I had one push and baby was ready to make his big debut. So, the nurse called my doctor and she made her way over. I officially started pushing with her at 1:51 and baby Rhett was welcomed into the world at 2:01. HE WAS PERFECT!!!!

I am so thankful that everything went so smooth. I could not have asked for better nurses or a better doctor. I could not have asked for a better labor and delivery. I am seriously on cloud 9! I am so thankful for Trevor and his constant encouragement and love through all of this. Life is so sweet right now.

Born at 2:01pm
Weight: 6 lbs 9 oz
Height: 19.25 inches

I could have stared at him all night! :)

Brooks got to meet Rhett today (October 10th). I was so excited to see Brooks since it had been a couple nights and I was so excited to see him around his new brother. He didn't really know what was going on. Haha!

This makes my heart happy! 
Since everyone was doing well, we were released from the hospital exactly 24 hours after baby Rhett was born.

And we are officially home and getting settled as a family of 4.

I, of course, had to do some comparisons....sometimes I think these two Morris boys have similarities and other times I think they look totally different. You tell me!

I can't believe this little guy is here! I feel like I have been waiting for this day forever and my heart is complete! I LOVE this little family of mine!

I also can't believe this was just yesterday morning! I'm so happy to have you on the outside Mr. Rhett!!!

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