Sunday, October 1, 2017

Brooks is 15 Months

It's so crazy to think that the next time I do one of these a new little peanut will be in the mix! ;)

I've been bad about posting what Brooks is really doing these days, so here we go:
*I feel like Brooks's vocabulary took off this month. Here are the words we are saying: mama, dada, dog, nana (for banana- his FAV food!), wawa (for water or cup), night night, amen, hi (this is the SWEETEST!), baby, choo choo (for train), yeah, no (I'm about over that word! Haha!) and please (this one is super cute too). 
*He loves books, having me read to him or him just looking at the pictures. They will keep him occupied for some time! He loves Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? He has started to try to mimic the sounds and giggles at almost every page. He likes Where is Baby's Belly Button and enjoys lifting the flaps. And he loves any book that has different textures on the pages that he can feel. 
*We are still taking 2 naps a day. One around 10 or 10:30 and the other around 3:30 or 4. He is just not ready to switch to one nap yet, but I'm kind of hoping that day comes soon. 
*He absolutely hates baths. When the water touches his face, he looses it and he basically cries the rest of bath time. I am kind of at a loss on what to do to help him like it more and am open to any suggestions....
*He also hates meat right now. We try to cut it up really small and hide it in different foods that he likes, but he is smart. He somehow finds the meat among the other ingredients and spits it out. Little stinker.
*Brooks had his first ear infection this month. I think the medication made Brooks emotional, so we had a couple loooong days. However, he was extra cuddly. To be honest, I LOVED the extra snuggles, but I hated that he didn't feel well.

Now that you have a snapshot of what's going on, here is our life in pictures...

He is getting so big! 

We visited the Tulsa Botanic Gardens with my moms group and the kiddos had a blast.

He loves drumming

He was tuckered out at the end.
Cheering on our Cowboys!
He seriously LOVES books.

He started pulling the curtain into his crib! So, I decided to set the  leg of the crib on top of the corner of the curtains. He still looks out the window when I lay him down, but at least the curtain isn't a choking hazard now! Haha! 
And when I tell him no, this is the face I do you stay strong!?
He is the CUTEST!
Night time routine. I haven't been able to do bath time for some time now because of leaning over the tub and all that fun stuff, so Trevor usually handles all bed time routines. Melt my heart!
Little man was down and out with an ear infection. I knew something was wrong. He was running a fever, higher than what seemed to be normal for teething and he was super clingy. He wanted to be held and rocked and he actually stayed still when I was rocking him, which is really unlike him. I hated that he was sick, but I honestly didn't mind the snuggles.

Playing in his tent! I finally finished Brooks's room in our new home. You can read about it here!
Most of the time he hits and pulls Winston's hair, but this proves he can be sweet. Winston was growling the entire time...he obviously has trust issues.
Play time
Having fun on the bean bags at Atwoods. We actually ended up buying this. We have been on the hunt for two bean bags for our living room for the kids and Atwoods had an awesome deal! We said they will be Christmas presents, but they have already been used. :)
We took maternity photos for baby #2 which you can read about here.
I love his smile!!
Sometimes I get my kiss!

I absolutely love getting to hang out with this cutie every day. Some days are harder than others for multiple reasons, but I know this is where God wants me right now and I'm soaking in every minute. I can't wait for baby #2 to make his appearance this month. I know Brooks will be the best big brother! I tell him all the time that he is about to meet his new best friend! ;) 

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