Friday, September 30, 2016

September Date Nights

We are still going strong on our Thursday date nights and we are loving it. It is NEEDED! My love language is quality time and this is built in, at least 1 once a week, uninterrupted, quality time!

You can read about July's date nights here and August date nights here!

Now, on to September.

September 1st: I planned this one. We decorated coffee mugs. Trevor and I are both avid coffee drinkers...we also have WAYYYYY too many coffee mugs, but I didn't care. I thought this would be fun! I wanted us to make a coffee mug for the other person. So Trevor made me one and I made him one.

I made this one for Trevor. On one side I put a duck flying since he likes duck hunting.

And on the other side I put OSU

This is the one Trevor made me. I absolutely LOVE Jeep Wranglers, I have owned 2 and I will have another one one day when the babies are grown up. :)
And this was the other side since I love music. 
Trevor also added an extra feature on the inside of mine. I struggle with finding my identity in my job or the things that I do, so this is a little reminder of the most important things that I am.

September 8th: I planned it again. Trevor did a couple back-to-back in August, so I planned a couple in a row in September. Our lives have been crazy busy this month, especially the days leading up to this date, so I planned a night where we just watch TV. We have been watching Seinfeld (neither of us have seen it all the way through, so we started on episode 1), so I gave Trevor the option to watch Seinfeld or Impractical Jokers. We would have to watch Seinfeld in the living room because that's where we have Hulu and we would have to watch Impractical Jokers in the bedroom because that is where we have our DVR. We both said we just wanted to lay in bed and watch TV, so Impractical Jokers it was. We absolutely love this show. We literally laugh out loud multiple times in every episode! I realize this was not the most fun date I have planned, but it's what we needed that week.

September 15th: Trevor planned this one. Earlier in the week Trevor asked me to name a country, so I said SWITZERLAND! I think he thought I was going to say something easy like, Mexico or France...nope, Switzerland! He wanted to plan a date around a country. So he researched food that is popular in Switzerland. We had a 3 course meal. Our appetizer was Gruyère cheese with crackers, our meal was Rösti and dessert was Swiss Miss hot cocoa! :) YUM!

September 22nd: Neither of us planned...we just decided to have a date night with friends at Flying Tee.

September 29th: I planned this one. During the summer months, downtown Tulsa's Guthrie Green hosts a movie night in the park. I always love going at least once a year. We tried to go earlier in the summer, but it was so hot that we ended up not going. Well, now the weather is PERFECT! We were actually a little chilly. Last night they were showing That Thing You Do. We went downtown a little early so we could go on a walk (that was my marriage booster that day for those of you that read my previous blog) to Pinkitzel and got cupcakes, then went to All About Coffee for something warm since it was chilly and then went to Guthrie Green for the movie.

A boy and his puppy :)
This is Brooks' second outdoor movie. We went to the drive-in when he was like a week old.

Seriously, if you are not doing a date night a week, or whatever your schedule will allow, I would encourage you to start. Most of the time, ours are late at night after we put baby to sleep. Some are a few hours long and some last 30 minutes, but it's time that you spend together. If money is an issue, fear not! Most of our dates cost nothing! And if you do have to spend a little money, then think of Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Your spouse is worth it. Your relationship is worth it! You can't afford NOT to DATE YOUR SPOUSE!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Guys,
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