Friday, July 8, 2016

Brooks' 1st Week

I promise I won't make a habit of a weekly post, but goodness, this has seriously been the best week, I couldn't not share! Plus, I started this blog to help me when I scrapbooked, so these are precious memories I don't want to forget!

We had Brooks on Friday, the 1st at 11:27am. We were released from the hospital on Saturday around 2. We were happy to get to go home! We had such a great experience at St. John, but there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed!

The first night Trevor took the first shift and I took the second. Unfortunately for Trevor, he was a little cranky from about 1 to 4. I took over shortly after that and he slept like a rock! We took turns on the couch watching him in this little basinette so we wouldn't keep the other one awake if he cried. We were going to try to put him in his crib from the get go, but I was a big ball of emotions the first couple days!

On Sunday my grandparents and cousins drove in town from Kansas to visit Baby Brooks. My cousin from Sioux Falls surprised me and came as well and offered to take newborn pics for me! That is one of her jobs in Sioux Falls, so I of course said YES!! I'll save the bulk of the photos for another post, but here is a sneak peek...

We were a little worried about the dogs adjusting, but they have been doing just fine!

I personally think Winston has a new best friend!

Sunday night was a little rough again. Trevor took the hard 1-4 shift and let me have the easy one again. I know he was trying to help me get caught up on sleep since I didn't sleep at all in the hospital. My water broke the first night, so I was wide awake and the second night I chose to stay awake and just stare at Brooks! No sleep for me, but it was totally worth it! 

Monday was the 4th of July, which already got its own post! ;) You can read about it here! That night I took the 1-4 shift. He was a little cranky until about 1:30, but we switched up his sleeping arrangements and he slept much better. We both got some good sleep that night!

Tuesday was our first doctors appointment. He may have been a little nervous!
That's a lie... I was more nervous than him. Everything checked out great though. He lost a little weight so we had to go back this morning (Friday) to get a weight check. We are up to 7 lbs 2 oz. 

We ran some errands on Tuesday to Buy Buy Baby and Lowe's and then we walked the neighborhood! It definitely feels good to get out of the house and get back to normalcy, just with a baby! Plus, I am so thankful that I feel up to doing all of this! Prayers were definitely answered for a quick recovery!

**This kid has seriously taken over my phone! Pictures galore! But how can he not when he is so precious! We were laughing at ourselves the other night because we've turned into "those parents" haha! You know...the ones that take wayyyy too many pictures and think he is seriously the cutest baby in the world! 

Shout out to the Alcorns for bringing us dinner on Tuesday! Olive Garden was delicious!

Tuesday night was the first night Brooks slept in his own crib! And he did it like a CHAMP!! I just couldn't do it the first couple nights, but on Tuesday I felt ready and he did awesome! We still got up every 3 hours to eat, but between each feeding he was sleeping in his crib. The beautiful crib that my husband built with the help of our amazing families!

On Wednesday, the only thing on our agenda was bath time! Brooks is not a fan of being cold, so that was really the only time he cried!

Seriously.... I just can't get enough of this cutie!!

Shoutout to the Conrads for bringing us yummy sushi on Wednesday! We loved having dinner with you! Wednesday night was a little rough! I had the first shift and I think Brooks' tummy was not feeling well. So we, yes "we" - me and Brooks - cried for a few hours (which feels like an eternity!!!!). By the time his next feeding came around, he was back to his good sleeping pattern and still slept in his crib for part of the night. 

Thursday rolled around WAY to quickly! Thursday was actually my due date - July 7th, but I am just so glad we got to meet him early!

Lifechurch was serving free coffee at Romeo's Cafe in BA, so we made an outting to go get some coffee and saw hello to the staff! 

Our friend, Addison, dropped by to meet Baby Brooks!

It was so cute....Trevor was asking Brooks what his favorite color was and we of course were pushing for the color orange. When we came across the color orange in our list when talking to him, he would get a huge smile on his face! 
Plus we heard him have a quick chuckle for first time! So stinkin' cute!!! And so glad he is already an OSU fan! ;) He is one smart turkey!

Shout out to the Jones' for BBQ on Thursday! We loved having dinner with you all and we loved watching Quinn love on Baby Brooks!

That night we had date night while Brooks slept. Again, that is a blog for another day! Brooks also slept perfectly on Thursday night! Woke up to eat every 3 hours, but the rest of the time he was asleep in his crib! Boy, I hope this continues!!!!

Seriously, WHAT A WEEK!!! I am on Cloud 9 and I don't think I'm coming down for awhile!

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