Sunday, December 9, 2018

Rhett is 14 Months

Here we are again and this sweet boy is 14 months old. Kind of funny that Rhett turned 14 months the day after Trevor and I celebrated our 14th Dating Anniversary. I like numbers! Haha! 

He doesn't stop moving long enough to take a picture! HA! So, this is as good as it gets! :) 

What is Rhett up to these days?
*He has 8 teeth! 4 on top and 4 on bottom.
*He isn't saying too many words yet, but he sure knows how to communicate and let you know what he is wanting. 
*Brooks and Rhett are the exact same in that they love bananas and they are obsessed with Macaroni.
*He has a bit on a temper when things don't go his way. 
*He loves to cuddle.
*He is obsessed with this dinosaur he got for his birthday (thanks Eva and Josh). He literally points at it every morning (and multiple times throughout the day) to push it's foot so it will growl. The batteries officially died yesterday, so we will have to get those replaced asap! 
*He loves dancing! 
*He smiles really big and has this funny laugh when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. 

This is the cutest...Brooks is giving Grizzly his milk in the morning. 

This big guy has been hanging around our property lately. This explains why we have no more guineas... :( 

SNOW day!!

My workout buddy! 

Our morning routine.


Our first movie night. Both of the boys like music, so we decided on Sing. Neither of us had ever seen it and we thought  it was cute. Weird at times, lol, but cute. What I love most about this picture is that they are both holding books while watching the movie. Haha!

We did have to take a break and call Granddaddy and GiGi a couple times.
Poor Whiskey! Haha! 

Downtown BA's Christmas lights premier 

Brotherly fun

Curls one day...
Haircut the next

It definitely changed his looks a little. I definitely miss his curls, but I do love his new haircut. 


I love living on land. 

Snoozin'...he rarely falls asleep in the car anymore. So cute.

Starting him young

We took some family photos over Thanksgiving. I loved having all the cousins together, even if we didn't get the best picture of all of them at the same time! Ha!

This one might be my favorite because it pretty much sums up what it's like to take a photo with 5 grandchildren! Haha!

I love my chefs!

He has started loving this book. At first he kind of just doodled all over the page, but now he is really into tracing the lines and following the instructions. So neat to see him concentrating and learning.

Gotta grab those sandbox days when we can!

Fun with friends!

LOVE him!!!

DIY craft day at Home Depot! So neat and so fun!

They both had a blast building things.

What a fun double cart!!

He asks to do this everyday! Love it!
For those of you wondering, it's a Beginning Pen Control wipe-clean book. So it's just helping them hold a pen correctly and trace simple lines.

Building a boat...he did this all by himself and he was PROUD!

We have started our 12 Books of Christmas (we decided to do one every other night in the month of December) and this might be his new FAVORITE book! He loves that there are REAL working lights on every page and he loves counting them!

He seriously wants to be just like dad!

Cowboy Rhett

And cowboy Brooks. 

Fun with friends!

LEGO party!

And here are some fun pictures of this crazy kid...he seriously never stops moving. He is constantly on the go!

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