Sunday, January 7, 2018

Morris Brothers 18 & 3

All about my boys being 18 months and 3 months. This was such a fun month because of Christmas celebrations and lots of family time!

Brooks turned 18 Months on January 1st. 
Rhett will turn 3 Months on January 9th. 

He is a wild child! It gets harder and harder to take these photos because he wants to throw the dog or grab the blocks. This is such a fun age, but he keeps me on my toes. At his 18 month appointment he was 27 lbs (87 percentile) and 2’10” (93 percentile). 

Goodness, he is so cute! He is looking so big; however, we had our 2 month checkup (which was more like 2 and 1/2 months) and he is definitely on the small side. He was 11 lbs 8 oz which is in the 18th percentile and 1’10” which is in the 4th percentile. Just a little guy!

Here is what Brooks is up to:
*Not a whole lot has changed this month, but his vocabulary has blown up. He repeats almost everything and is good at repeating back up to 3 syllables. 
*Brooks still only has 7 teeth! I really thought 2 more would be here by now, but nope!
*He is a jokester! He likes to do things just to get a reaction out of people. It definitely makes me laugh, but I think I’m going to have my hands full! 
*He absolutely LOVES his brother. He gets concerned when Rhett cries and he hates when “bubby” takes a nap because he can’t hang out with him. It’s so sweet! 
*He is getting good at knowing the order of numbers 1-10 and can repeat the alphabet other than the letters “m” and “w”. 
*He LOVED opening presents at Christmas. 
*He has also taken up dancing as a hobby. Any time music is on, he is groovin’!

What Rhett has been up to:
*He loves sitting in the bumbo seat. If Brooks and I are eating breakfast or lunch, Rhett wants to be in on the action sitting with us. 
*He likes the playmat, but seems to prefer the bumbo seat. 
*Most naps are really good during the day, sleeping 40 minutes to an hour. 
*He is a rockstar sleeper at night. He sleeps 11-12 hours. 
*He smiles and laughs a LOT! 
*He talks a lot.
*He is still in the houseplant stage, but I am loving watching his personality bloom!

Here is our month in pictures:


The first Tuesday of each month we do family night with our lifegroup, so all the babies got to hang out together.

Oh my goodness...that hat! ;)

Gotta love comparisons. Brooks is on the left and Rhett is on the right. There are some definite similarities, but some major differences. 

Is anything cuter than a smiling baby!!! ;)

Brooks loves to makes this face. The ice maker will make a noise and he turns to me and does this. Something funny will happen on tv and he makes this face. It cracks me up!

He still loves to hang out in his teepee and precious!

This was the best moment! Both boys were just hanging out in my lap talking and being so sweet! BEST.MOM.MOMENT!

Cutest little raccoon. 

We went and looked at Rhema lights one evening. Rhett slept through it all and Brooks was mesmerized.

Helping Dad and Papa build his own Christmas present. 

Melt my heart! 


We had a play date with the best of friends!

This is the last picture of my little bucket head. I accidentally broke the bucket and had to throw it away! :( Thankfully for Christmas he got a construction worker hat!  

Smiles for our Christmas celebration!

Helping Mom make cookies. 

We finally started doing baths together. I think they enjoy it and it makes our nighttime routine so much easier.

You can read about our Christmas celebrations here!

My brother Wes meeting Rhett for the first time. 

The best Aunt and Uncle!

Loving his new Christmas presents. 


Ready to watch some OSU football!

New frog PJ’s

Chillin’ with Dad. 

Here are a couple more comparisons...

Do you think they look alike???

Brooks has started taking his socks off during nap time. Little stinker! He’s holding one sock in his hand. 

We had such a great New Years! Here are a couple pictures, but you can also go and read about it here.

Rockin’ his new coat. 

So sweet! Brooks wanted to read to bubby.

Here are a couple bloopers...
Yes, he has only one boot on. Hahahaha!

New construction worker hat!

He’s getting so big! 

This outfit makes him look so big! 

These boys are the best! I absolutely LOVE getting to play at home with them every day. I know they are going to have a special bond that I can already see. Being their mom is a dream come true!!!

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