Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Brooks is 7 Months!

I have a 7 month old....we are closer to being 1 year old than being a newborn. That is crazy! This was a BIG month for Brooks; we had a lot of really neat changes. With that came a few more cranky days than normal, but I know that he is just learning and growing, so those days are going to happen. However, week 29 and 30 were rough!!! I feel like today, as I am typing this, we are finally back to normal!

*We started sitting up REALLY well! It is a whole new world when they are able to sit up. He doesn't really care for his play mat anymore because he is done being on his back. He always wants to be sitting up! SO COOL! 
*We moved up to a size 3 diaper. 
*We started rolling over to our tummy while sleeping. This was so crazy to see! He has always hated being on his tummy. He won't do this during playtime, but he does it every night.
*We transitioned out of Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit! The sleep suit is designed to keep babies on their back. Since Brooks found a way to roll on his tummy, he wasn't able to roll back over since the sleep suit is kind of a bulky material. It actually wasn't a hard transition. We went back and forth deciding if we should use any type of swaddle or just put him down in his PJ's. After a couple nights trying both, we decided he was fine in just his PJ's, so that's what we are doing. 
*We love to walk while holding onto mom or dad's hands. It's so crazy to see him do this! He may walk before he crawls! Haha!
*We LOVE food! He tried solids last month, but he will now eat about anything we have on our plate. 
*We babble and say "dadadadadada." He obviously has no idea what he's saying, but I love hearing his voice.
*We have also started a new scream that mom and dad are NOT that fond of.

Like I said, this past month was huge! I absolutely LOVE seeing him develop these new skills and try new things. 

At our 6 Month appointment we were:
*27 in tall (58 percentile)
*18 lb 6 oz (62 percentile)

Here are our weekly photos:
27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks
Here is our life in pictures...
Melt My Heart!!! 6 Months 3 Days

6 Months 4 Days

Poor guy was having trouble napping, so I took advantage of a couple extra snuggles that day. 
January 6th - SNOW DAY!!! 

Not much snow came down that day, but we still enjoyed it.

Winston still finds ways to let me know he was number 1. :)
These towel pictures are the BEST! 
Sitting up like a boss! 6 Months 11 Days

Whiskey doesn't mind the attention 

6 Months 12 Days

6 Months 13 Days
6 Months 15 Days

He has the cutest facial expressions! Usually in the morning we'll go downstairs and I'll make breakfast while Brooks plays with some toys on the couch. 


Rocking his new shoes from his Aunt Katy! This kid has the fattest feet! :) 

Playtime with friends!

CHASE: 3 Years 10 Months
CHARLIE: 8 Months 29 Days
GRAHAM: 6 Months 3 Days
BROOKS: 6 Months 18 Days

So cute!!! 

Thank goodness we have a big dog for back support! :)
I know I posted our 29 week photo above, but I thought this was too cute! Seriously, Whiskey is so sweet with him. 

Grabbing everything...

6 Months 19 Days - It's been so cold out that we haven't taken many walks. However, the weather has been beautiful so we had to get out of the house. This was the first time we were big enough to sit in the stroller and not in the carseat in the stroller. He LOVED it! We have made this part of our daily routine when the weather is nice.

6 Months 20 Days - We did some work on our property and sweet baby Brooks tuckered out pretty quickly. :)

Ahhhh...I have a tummy sleeper!!! 
We love hanging out outside
6 Months 21 Days

Little guy is getting some rolls! <3 <3 <3

Loving my new shirt.

Loving his new Cowboys towel! 6 Months 25 Days
Playtime with dad

Sweet giggles

Brooks loves to be worn. We usually carry him in the front, but he is old enough to be carried on the back now and it's wonderful!!! 

Some days that's all we need for a nap! 6 Months 29 Days

We love swinging! I'm pretty sure we love anything outside, but swinging is our new favorite thing. 

Trevor even got his tree swing hung on our property! Cool story- my grandpa made this swing for Brooks for Christmas! I know it will get a lot of use! :)

This was definitely the craziest, most eventful month (other than the month he was born) yet. We are loving the neat changes Brooks is making and we are so excited to see what the next few months bring. I love you so much Brooks Gabriel!!!

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