Monday, September 26, 2016

What A Difference A Year Can Make!!

It was a year ago today that I started leading an entire worship set at Life.Church.

At the time, I had been doing background vocals and leading a song here and there for a little over a year and a half, but to lead the entire worship set was a totally different ballgame! Singing comes natural, but leading and talking needed some time to developed!!

Let's stay on that thought for a moment...I think being nervous is a good thing, maybe not in the moment, but it means we are out of our comfort zone. We are being stretched and we are growing. And that is EXACTLY what has been happening this past year. It is crazy to think where I was a year ago and where I am now. And I'm still learning every day! I think the biggest area where I have seen myself let go of control and depend on God is talking between songs and leading during songs. If I'm being totally transparent, I used to think through and write down word for word what I planned to say between songs. I rehearsed it over and over until what I was saying didn't sound rehearsed, but sounded authentic. I still think it was authentic, just thought out ahead of time. I finally had to surrender that to God and just allow Him to use me in the moment. I still think about what I want to say and the message I'm trying to get across, but I'm also open and willing to say whatever God puts on my heart, even if it's in the moment and totally not rehearsed. It's honestly so much less stressful when you give God the control and trust that he will provide in the moment because you are willing and open to work for Him. That is a lesson that I have had to learn multiple times in several areas of my life!

I absolutely LOVE my role on the worship team! As many of you have read before, I quit teaching so I could continue to do this every weekend. Well, I quit teaching so I could be the best version of me as a mom to my sweet little boy, but it also allowed me to continue leading worship and doing what I love.

Thank you to the BA band for supporting me as I continue to grow in this position! You all make Sundays one of the best days of the week!!

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