Monday, June 6, 2016

Cute Burp Rags

These are SUPER easy to make! We got so many of these at our showers and I absolutely LOVE them! So, I wanted to give them a try for some of my friends. I also wanted to be able to make them for Baby M if I ever need more! :) I'm glad I decided to give them a whirl!

*cloth diapers - I bought a ten-pack of prefold premium 6-ply cloth diapers with absorbent padding. I got these at Target, but I'm sure you can find them several places.
*fabric - I ended up buying a 1/2 yard of each, but you don't need this much. I could probably make about 6 of these with that much fabric, but I always like having leftovers for other projects.

I was making some for a friend that is having a girl and another friend that is having a boy

I have noticed that the cloth diapers vary in exact size, so I would start by laying out a cloth diaper, ironing it and getting all the wrinkles out and then measuring it.

I ended up cutting my fabric to be 23" x 6" and it worked perfect for the cloth diapers that I bought.

I then took my fabric, placed it fabric down - wrong side up, and pressed about a 1/2" on either side.

Then lay it over your cloth diaper and position it so it is covering up all seams. Again, most cloth diapers that you buy don't have straight lines, just maneuver it until you are happy with it, leaving equal distance on the top and bottom. Then, pin in place. I put about 3-4 pins on each side.

Then flip your cloth diaper over and it's time for the ends. I folded about a 1/4" of fabric underneath and then pressed the rest of the edge over the top of the cloth diaper. Pin in place.

Start sewing! You can start anywhere and it will be fine. The only tricky part is, I had some pins on one side of the cloth diaper and then the short end had pins on the opposite side, so I just went slow and made sure I was being accurate with my machine. I also made some that didn't flip over to the other side of the cloth diaper, so all pins were on one side. Either way looked great.

So cute!!!
Front Side

Back side if you decided to fold it over to the back side. You can also see in this picture how uneven the pre-sewn cloth diapers are! I just tried to center the fabric as best as possible. 

These were seriously SUPER easy!!! I really enjoyed making them!

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