Monday, January 19, 2015


We, along with 98% of the people in Tulsa, got tickets to GARTH BROOKS!!! Trevor saw him some 17 years ago when he was a kid and always tells me that that was his favorite concert! So, of course we had to go this time!! There might not be another opportunity! We went this past Friday night and our tickets were really good (thanks Bullocks)! We ate dinner at our friends, Andrew and Katie's before the concert. We figured trying to go out to eat would be a little hectic, so we got take out from Ted's and then headed to the concert!

Waiting patiently!!

I'm not sure I heard much of Garth singing because Trevor was singing so loud in my ear! I'm just glad he was loving it!!

Garth and Trisha!

We got this picture thanks to the selfie-stick!! And of course, Trevor was too busy singing to pay any attention to a photo being taken!

SERIOUSLY, ONE OF THE BEST CONCERTS I'VE BEEN TO!! If you didn't get a chance to see him, I would recommend traveling to his next concert city! I loved that he seemed so humble and that each night he slightly changed a couple of the songs that he did! So neat!!

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