Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Holland is 3 Months!

 As I'm writing this, Holland is actually 4 months, but I'm catching up! Haha! Here we go! 

Holland turned 3 months while we were in Michigan on July 26th!

Here are a few fun things miss Holland is up to:
*She was basically not on a real schedule until after she turned 3 months. With surgery and everything else going on, we were just surviving. She didn't seem to mind. She fell into the normal feed, wake, sleep repeat cycle and that's all that really mattered.
*She is kind of a night owl because we first worry about getting the boys to bed and then we worry about her. But she sleeps SO good! We usually have her down by 10 and she'll sleep til around 9! I would love to get her down a little earlier, but it's just not happening yet and that's okay.
*Thankfully she stopped having her fussy 8pm time! Haha! Dad was very thankful for that.
*She's started giggling and really making eye contact and following you when you walk in a room or leave a room.
*She is the easiest baby! Haha! I think she has a lot of entertainment with the boys, so she constantly has something fun to watch. Rhett will run and grab her a paci anytime she is fussing and Brooks loves to hold her, kiss her, hold her hands and sit by her. 

Here is a sneak peek inside our month leading up to that:

I finally got our incredible books shelves done and the boys went "camping" with their reads! 

Give me ALL the baby snuggles!!! I know she will be our last baby so I'm enjoying every second and it's still going too fast!

These boys always want to pick flowers for mom and Holland! They drive their tank to our pasture, pick some flowers and ask me to put the in water! They are the sweetest!

I had surgery 5 days after this girl turned 2 months, so I got a lot of extra snuggles with this one for awhile! That was definitely a plus to being cooped up in bed for awhile!

It was kind of funny. Normally when a baby starts crying everyone finds the mom and hands them off. After I had surgery I couldn't hold Holland, so right when she would start to get fussy I would have to hand her off. It was kind of nice never having to console a fussy baby! Haha! Gotta look at the bright side! 

They poured concrete for our shop and gameroom so we decided to put our hands in the cement! I love that we completed this once our family was complete. 

After surgery I wanted to do something fun with the boys after not really seeing them for a few days, so we did some fun dino activity that Brooks got for his birthday! They had an awesome time! We still have more to do! 

This might be one of my new favorite pictures! 


We had some fun times in the pool. I wasn't able to swim for 6 weeks after surgery so I watched from the sidelines and took lots of photos!

After a few weeks I jumped back into work and I have the best work buddy! 

This kid LOVES sticker books! And I loved getting to do them with him when I was bedridden! 

Dad of the year goes to this guy for sure! 

That tongue! 

All the cousins were in town, so we had to get some family photos! 

Trevor was on the phone with Michelle Nelson-Schmidt and he mentioned how much our kids love her books, so she send all the kids more books, coloring sheets, the whatif monster bin and Cordelia doll! It was so sweet and the kids were so excited! 

I wasn't able to go to Brooks's t-ball games for a couple weeks and I wasn't able to hold a baby so me and Rhett got a lot of one on one time! Love this sweet boy! 

They fall asleep like this often! Haha! Seriously though, I have never seen Trevor more worn down than the first couple weeks after my surgery. He was still working full time and then coming home and tending to all 3 kids and me! He is seriously a rockstar! 

We might have lived on popsicles some this summer! Haha! 


He might be the CUTEST t-ball player I've ever seen!!! 

His whole team was so cute! 

New swing! 

Splash Pad day! 

I love that he always wants to hold her hands and play with her no matter what we're doing.

This was my first real walk after surgery! It felt good and I didn't even really hurt after! YAY!! 

Right before we went on vacation and right before this little lady turned 3 months I was cleared to hold her. I was told I could hold her but not carry her around all day, so I still tried to limit it, but I was SO HAPPY to be healing and ready to get back to being an active mom! 

This was an interesting month for sure! Haha! I got to bask in all the snuggles and I got to pass her off every time she cried. It was definitely a hard month but there are parts of it I really enjoyed, like the one on one time with different kids at different times since that's about all I could handle. I definitely enjoyed the extra Holland snuggles! 

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