Monday, April 27, 2020

Third Trimester - Baby #3

Third Trimester - Baby #3

Once this trimester started I was ready for it to be over! Haha! I got pretty uncomfortable, I couldn’t sleep, Covid-19 came and I was probably a bit irritable! Ha! I tried not to be, I tried to be really aware of it, but sometimes I would stick my foot in my mouth. 

Baby Size: I’d have to look back and see all the fruits, lol, but based on the How Big is Our Baby, we ended at the size of a soccer ball or watermelon. 

My Symptoms: irritable, as mentioned. I wish I wouldn’t have been, but some days I definitely was. Heartburn, shooting pains down both legs often. Pelvic bone pain...haha! Now I see why I was a little irritable!  I honestly tried to stay joyful through it all because I knew this would be my last pregnancy. Some days were easy and some were a challenge. 

Weight: overall I was up about 34 lbs. It basically was identical to my pregnancy with Brooks which makes sense bc I started at about the same weight with both. Although I did work out everyday this pregnancy!

Gender: Sweet baby girl

Maternity Clothes: since Covid-19 started I have lived in 3 pairs of leggings. 2 of them are maternity and the others are regular. For shirts, I’ve probably lived in about the same 8 shirts and none of them were maternity. I liked a tank top so I could work out with a long sleeved shirt/button down shirt. 

Movement: always lots of movement. The only days I didn’t feel as much were the two days I was having lots of contractions before she made her arrival! I’m not sure if I was so focused on the contractions that I didn’t think about the movement or if they move a little less with all of that going on. 

Sleep: I’m usually a GREAT sleeper and pregnancy rarely affects that, but this one has been different. I wake up in the middle of the night and am wide away, I can’t go to sleep. I have heartburn sometimes but other times I just lay there. This is probably where my irritably stemmed from because I require a lot of sleep! Ha! It’s all making sense now! 

Cravings: ICE!! Toward the end I really wanted popcorn. 

Workouts: I worked out daily. Or I never missed more than 1 day. It’s kind of my mantra this year. If you miss one, don’t miss two. It works for just about everything in my life right now. It gives me grace but also get me back on track!

Best Pregnancy Moment: Seeing Brooks so excited for a little sister is basically the cutest thing ever! Rhett has turned a corner and seems a little more excited! We shall see! 

Thoughts: laughing at myself a little because I was so prepared with the boys. This post was done far in advance and my bags were packed, etc. For this one, I’m currently typing this in the hospital a day after she was born. And my bag was no where near packed. 

Here are some pictures of 3rd trimester!

30 weeks 3 days

30 weeks 6 days

Pregnancy buddies!! 31 weeks 4 days

Our daily walks to the mailbox! 34 weeks

35 weeks 3 days

I wanted a few pictures of the 4 of us before baby girl joined! I’m thankful for my mother-in-law who took a few! The boys were crazy but it’s exactly what I expected! Haha! 

Easter! 36 weeks 5 days! 

Husband of the year award! 38 week pedi! 

Little girl made her arrival at 38 weeks 5 days!

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