Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Always more than a month behind! HAHA! Rhett's 24 Months!

I'm happy I can stop talking about my kids in months now! HA! My child is officially 2! We had the cutest birthday party which you can read about here: Look Hooo's Two

Here is the month leading up to that fun party!
The most snuggly thing! 

I'm horrible at keeping up with these! 

This melted my heart. Rhett usually loves to be held and it was just this month that he decided he wanted to walk more. These two started holding each other's hands! I can totally get on board with that!

Coweta Fall Festival was a hit with these two! They loved riding all the rides!

If only you could see Rhett's HUGE smile in this one! 

Sometimes he wakes up earlier than brother, so he joins me while I'm getting ready! Always with 5 books in his hand! Haha!

So pretty!

The coolest interactive book! They have been really into dinosaurs lately, so this has been a super fun read! They get to come nose to nose with a diplodocus and wear the spike plates of a stegosaurus! 

My guitar playing crazy kid! 

Learning to count! Rhett is up to about 5 right now.

Cousins...or cousins kids! It's all the same! Haha! 

Since we are eating breakfast, we might as well read a book about our book eating monster Nibbles!!

I love seeing all the deer around our house!

Zoo Day with these crazies!
Fennec Fox

Obligatory train ride of course!

They were fighting over the stroller, they either both had to be out or both had to be in, so we made it work! HA! 

Seriously the SWEETEST smile! 

This boy has REALLY gotten into books! Every day when he wakes up from his nap, I have a huge stack in the living room for him. We usually read the whole stack and sometimes twice! 

Fun Halloween read!

Sometimes this is what work looks like for me. I try to get  most stuff done when they are napping, but sometimes it's a family thing. And when little one wants to sit on your lap, you let him sit on your lap because that's the perk of having a home based business! <3 

Magic Painting Books for the WIN!

We are also loving these new Listen and Learn Books! We have the Spanish one but I think their favorite is the musical instrument one!

In preparation for Rhett's birthday party, I put these boys to work! Haha! They were amazing helpers that day and I think they really enjoy cleaning!

Such a cute party!!

The evening of Rhett's party we went to the Oxley Nature Center and had some fun hiking! Gosh, these two are so cute!

For Rhett's actual birthday, my mom and I took the boys to Carmichael's Pumpkin Patch! They always have a great time feeding the animals, petting the animals and climbing all over the pumpkins.

We even did a pony ride in honor of Rhett's birthday! They had SO MUCH fun! 

Camels are so weird!

When I ask Brooks to smile and he is over it, this is the new smile he gives me! Great! Ha!

He exudes joy!!!


Wild and Crazy! 

Birthday kisses for the Birthday boy!! 
What a fun month! And now my baby is 2! Well, actually he is already a month older than that, but who's counting! HA! One day I'll be all caught up on here! I'm so thankful for my family and thankful for the time I get to be home with these beautiful babies! Life is sweet! <3 <3

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