Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rhett turned 20 months on June 9th

Blogging has basically been put on the back burner lately between two active boys, life, a thriving book business and all the other things that come with life! My sister-in-law brought up that she missed reading up on life, so I decided there is no time like the present! Here we go!

Rhett turned 20 months on June can my baby almost be a 2 year old!!! In my previous blog I wrote about how I was concerned about his speech. We decided to move forward with seeing if he qualified for speech. In that time, his vocabulary blew up! He is saying so many new words and even putting two and three words together at this point! It turns out he is actually ahead of schedule in everything and we have nothing to worry about! Little man was just a mover before a talker! I got a lot of feedback about how he will probably be a kinesthetic learner and was given several tips on how he will probably learn best, so we’ve been giving that a go and he is THRIVING! I love hearing his sweet voice and hearing him say more and more things. 

He is still a total mama’s boy and he LOVES to be held! I really thought after he walked he would never want to be held, but he does. You would think I’d have extremely buff arms with how much I carry him around! Haha! 

Here is our life in pictures...May 10th - June 9th!

We had a family game of YARDZEE! Rhett and I WON! We even got 2 YARDZEES of 6’s!!! Whoop whoop! 

These two love helping mom bake! We usually make a HUGE mess but it’s worth it because they have a blast! I think their favorite part is taste testing! Haha!

National Chocolate Chip Cookie day! 

Practicing our body parts every morning! 

We love going to the zoo with friends! 

Mowing with dad! Rhett normally falls asleep on the mower and gets a nice cat nap! But seriously, this man right here is the BEST! He will take both boys on the mower which usually makes it take twice as long so I can get some me time! I’m so appreciative of him and his bond with the boys! 

In May we got CATS!!! Pistol and Piper! The boys LOVE them!! They are strictly outdoor cats and I had no idea I would like them as much as I do, but they are totally a part of our family at this point! 

This is Piper. She is a girl and she is CRAZY! Haha! She is constantly on the move and always a little feisty! 

And this is Pistol. He is much more reserved and purrs every time we pick him up. 

There are always some adventures on our land! We walk to the mailbox daily to get our mail and we usually sit on this tractor that has been sitting at my in-laws for a few months. We are a tractor, ranger, motorcycle, truck (vehicle if any kind) loving family! 

He cracks me up! 

Birthday Parties!! Happy Birthday Benjamin!!

Oh my goodness! He’s the CUTEST! 

Another mowing day! And Rhett is passed out!! 

These two are too much fun! They were loving this swing at our friends house! Thank you Randy and Cassie for inviting us over for some Memorial Day weekend fun! 

This little boys has so much trust in Whiskey. He will sit on his, pull his tail or his ears, love on him and Whiskey is so patient with him! 

New backpacks and books! Just like the kiddos in my Summer Book Box Club! 

The adventures of living on land! Yikes!!! I usually don’t go ourside for a few days after spotting one of these! 

The cutest!!

I love that the boys get to hang out on Sundays while I get to do my part in serving the church and doing what God has called me to do. 

The Gathering Place is always fun with these two! 

These two!! Love them! They were only like this for about 10 minutes and then off to the next adventure! 

Cool kids! 

My best friend got to meet Brooks for the first time! She met Rhett as a BABY, like a month after he was born, but timing never worked for her to meet Brooks! We had an amazing brunch and made the most of our hour together! 

She even gave Rhett a personalized towel just like big brother! 

That’s a wrap! Onto month 21! ...stay tuned! I’ll catch up soon! 

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