Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What's Your Word?

Each year Trevor and I pick a word for the year. Usually it's not us picking a word but somehow this word tends to find us. Ha! It is usually an area where we are lacking or an area that needs some attention in our walk with Christ.

I'm sure you have read 2 Corinthians 12:9-11...But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in my weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG. 

I included that verse because I have been selecting a "word for the year" for 5 years now and it is powerful to see the growth, the sustainability, the once weakness but now finding strength and freedom in those areas. It is amazing what God can do through you when you give that area to him, confess your weakness and allow Him to take control.

So, I ask...what's your word for the year?

Here is how my word found me (and I'm being quite vulnerable here).
*Brooks is entering some terrible twos right now. There are these crazy emotional roller coasters over pretty much nothing (I cut his banana the wrong way, he asked me to make a bite smaller and when I did, it was too small, he wanted ice in his cup when he said no ice, he wanted the green cup and I gave him the orange cup, his brother is playing with a toy and all of a sudden he wants it and I say "wait until he's done," he wanted to be the one to open the door or shut the door, my list could go on and on! HA!) I usually handle the first 30 seconds with gentleness and understanding, but by the end of it, I wish I could go back and handle the situation differently. Sometimes it ends in a spanking, sometimes it ends with me losing my temper, sometimes I'm boiling, sometimes I'm CALM, cool and collected, but most of the time I'm just exhausted at the end. I need to be the CALM in the storm. He is learning to manage his emotions right now and when my emotions get out of control when his emotions are out of control, I'm basically shouting to him that in our family, we lose our cool when things don't go our way. I'm conveying the exact opposite of what I want to do! **Who knew parenting would showcase the sin in your life so much! HA!**
*I get overwhelmed pretty easily. I also started a business this year, the year that was supposed to be my year of stillness and no change, I started a business! HA! It took off way faster than I thought and when October, November and December rolled around...I was BUSY! What a BLESSING, I know! But it came at a time when I didn't know how to manage it all. (Still a work in progress over here!) At the end of the day, I was left feeling exhausted because I was so flustered trying to get everything accomplished which led to trying to multi-task when I shouldn't have been. I needed to take a step back, CALM the storm and ask God to help me use my time wisely.
*I stress about sleep. I used to stress about myself getting enough sleep, but that has now turned into stressing if my kids don't get enough sleep. Rhett is not the greatest sleeper. I'm not really complaining, he is a great sleeper, especially at night, but his naps are a different story. When he was younger I had to rock him (this was new, Brooks self-soothed super early) but even in my attempts to rock him, he would scream and flail until he just fell asleep. I would become super flustered and frustrated during that time. Eventually I turned on worship music and just sang him through that time. It worked...when I would remain CALM, things went more smooth (that's a duh! statement!) Rhett still has his battles with napping, but I need to remember to not stress and remain CALM during those trying days. We are currently trying to switch to one nap and it is not going well! I'm trying to whisper to myself, STAY CALM!
*I lost my temper on my mom a couple times this year (if your reading this mom, I'm sorry!) I still feel bad about it. Emotions were high, circumstances were really unfortunate, we both said hurtful things and I wish I could have remained CALM as I look back on those two instances. They both happened awhile ago, but they both still seem fresh in my mind.

Those are just a few examples of where I see this sin in my life. And at this point, you can probably guess my word! **CALM** I want to be the calm for my family. I want to be the good example for my son as he learns to navigate his own emotions, I want to be the calm when Trevor gets home from work knowing that what I need to do will get done with some focused work instead of attempting to multi-task all day long and not give 100% to anything. I want to go to bed with a sense of calmness surrounding my home.

I used to hate those sayings "Keep calm and XXX" but I might have to embrace it a little this year! HA!

Here are some verses that really spoke to me in regard to CALM:

Be still and know I am God! Psalm  46:10

When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. Proverbs 31:26

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 46:10

For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Don't sin by letting anger control you. For anger gives a foothold to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

Last time I'll ask...what's your word for the year? When you lay down at night, do you think about your day? Is there an area that keeps you awake? Is there an area where you feel regret? Is a word just tugging on your heart right now? If not, pray about it. Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Let me know your word for the year and we can help keep each other accountable. We can pray for each other, encourage each other and celebrate with each other. 

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