Thursday, September 6, 2018

Date Night - Youtube Night!

Alrighty, I have been blogging every month about date night now for two years! That's crazy!! Some months are total grand slams, knock 'em out of the park, creative and fun dates. Some are, I'm so exhausted let's just sit on the couch and watch tv...maybe pop a little popcorn if we remember, kind of nights. Through it all, we're intentional!

But I'm changing things up a little. Instead of doing a big post at the end of the month with all the fun things we did that month, I'm going to do it individually. Why? There are two reasons. #1 I can barely remember what I did yesterday, so remembering something I did at the beginning of the month is a stretch! HA! And #2 no one really cares if we sat on the couch and watched Seinfeld for the 1,000th time. I'm assuming people are reading these to get the new creative ideas, so that's what I'm going to do. When we come up with something creative or fun, I'll post about it here!

So here we go with the first one. I totally stole this idea from a friend (thanks Bonny) and it was so much fun!

Here ya go...

The good things about this date:
*You will laugh so hard!
*You will get to reminisce (music video from high school/commercial from when you were born)
*You will get to talk about the future (a place you hope to visit one day)
*This will help you plan future dates (a movie trailer for a movie you want to see/skill you want to learn)
*Did I mention you will laugh!'s a fun date! We also made a rule that whatever video we chose, we had to watch the whole thing. So, if it turned out to be a not so funny video, we kind of chatted during that time.

This is a snippet of one of the videos we laughed so hard at!

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