Monday, April 9, 2018

Morris Brothers 21 & 6

Brooks turned 21 months on the 1st and Rhett turned 6 months on the 9th. It is so cool to watch these two interact. The best part of this month is Rhett running around in this little walker literally following Brooks EVERYWHERE he goes! It is the sweetest and Brooks loves the attention. They will giggle and run all over the house. It's the BEST!

21 months...seriously, when did he get so big?!
All about Brooks:
*He has 10 teeth now!!!
*Brooks is super interested in the potty, so I decided to put him in big boy underwear one afternoon and take him to the potty every 10 minutes or so. BACKFIRE!!!! Within 2 minutes of putting on the underwear after sitting on the potty for a couple minutes and not going, there was a huge puddle of pee in my kitchen! HAHA! I think I'll wait a little longer before I try this one again.
*He says more and more words every day and he remembers what the pages in a book say. It is so cute to see him "read" the pages he has memorized.
*He knows probably half of the letters in the alphabet. Meaning, we have bath toys that are letters and if we ask him to find "x" or whatever letter we ask, he knows and can find about half of them. If we hold up a letter, he can identify almost all of them. He gets a couple confused, but we are working on it.
*He is ornery! He also loves saying the word "no" which we are working on.

6 months...he has the most precious smile!!!
All about Rhett:
*Seriously, he is the SWEETEST baby! He hardly ever cries and is super chill. He smiles ALL THE TIME especially if Brother is around.
*We did have an odd month with sleeping. He was sleeping great through the night and then all of a sudden he started waking up several times. Sometimes he was hungry, sometimes he wanted to be rocked back to sleep, sometimes he was inconsolable, etc. It was frustrating to say the least. He also became a terrible eater! He's never been great at finishing bottles, but it got worse. He would only take a few ounces here and a few ounces there. I knew the two had to be linked, but I could not figure out how to get him to eat more so that he would sleep better. I finally decided to bump up nipple sizes on bottles and it fixed everything. I think he was frustrated that he was not getting enough per drink and would just give up because he was tired of trying so hard. He is kind of a lazy eater because this is super early to bump up sizes again (we just bumped up not long ago!) I am so thankful to have that finally figured out and I feel kind of dumb to have not figured it out sooner. I can't say this was causing all the issues, but we are eating better and sleeping better now and that is an answered prayer!
*He is rolling over all the time. He loves to roll from his back to his tummy, but sometimes he gets stuck there. He has rolled back over before several times, but sometimes he forgets he can I guess.
*Like I said before, he is running around in his walker and he loves to chase Brooks all over the house.
*He is almost sitting up on his own. I can't wait for him to do this consistently!

Here is our life in pictures...
Trevor and I have been working out a every day since February 25 (I'll blog more about that later), anyway, when we work out when the boys are awake, sometimes we have to use them as weights to keep them entertained! Haha!

Why? HA!

On March 10th we celebrated Chase's 5th Birthday and Charlie's 2nd Birthday. We had fun jumping in the bounce house...

Birthday Boys!

jump around jump around...

20 Months 9 Days

Bowling with Grandma and Opa

This kid LOVES his books! This is one of his FAVORITES!!!!

If you can't tell, I'm nice and SWEATY in this photo! This little booger was helping me work out!

Matching PJ's! (5 Months 3 Days AND 20 Months 11 Days)

Daily Snuggles

We had a mini photo shoot!...

SERIOUSLY, they are as sweet as they look...most of the time! :)

Workouts with mama!

Snacks with mama.

He has become the best sous chef!
Melt my heart!

We love days with our cousin!
Brooks and I had a mommy and Brooks playdate at SKYZONE! He always has such a fun time there.

He loves his hats!


The only problem with the Ranger is getting Brooks off the Ranger! Ha! Can anyone relate?

As you can see, my workout mat has been taken over!



COMPARISON: I think they look pretty different.
Story time at the library. We only come for the bubbles!

Working out as a family...we have some pretty heavy weights there! :)

Seriously, the SWEETEST little alligator!

More comparisons...Again, I think they are looking sooooo different.

Bloopers from our monthly photo session
The boys and I went and stood with my principal and teachers that I used to teach with. We had such a great time supporting them and making a difference!

Someone keeps stealing my snack!

Family Ranger Rides! It was a little chilly, but that didn't stop us.

Haircut time!
Some fun bloopers from Rhett's monthly photo session.

Life just keeps getting better and better. I love watching these two interact and bond. I know they are going to be so close! I absolutely LOVE being a mom and getting to call that my full time job. It is a FULL TIME JOB and I love it! There is no place else I would rather be than raising my sweet boys! LOVE YOU SO MUCH BROOKS AND RHETT!

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