Monday, March 5, 2018

Morris Brothers 20 & 5

This is all about my boys at 20 months and 5 months. Seriously, they are the most fun little humans! Brooks is at such a fun stage! He is talking a ton, enjoys actually playing with you and his little sense of humor is shining through. For example, after getting him out of the bath the other night, he peed a little and it got on my pants. He said "got you!" Are you kidding me! I think this one if going to keep me on my toes. And Rhett thinks Brooks is the funniest person on this earth. He will crack up watching Brooks do just about anything. They make life so much fun!

Brooks turned 20 months on the 1st.
Rhett turned 5 months on the 9th.

I don't think this sweet thing can get any cuter!!! :)

Here is what Brooks is up to:
*He now has 8 teeth...yep...we got one more this month. 2 more are just about to make an appearance, so maybe in March we will get a couple more.
*He went pee pee in the potty!! WAHOO! No, we have not really looked into "potty training" yet, but he is super interested in the potty so we are entertaining the idea.
*He is getting so good at the ABC's. He went from O - Z all by himself the other day. Trevor and I were impressed! I got him these little flashcards in the dollar section at Target and he LOVES them. He begs me to look at them daily.

Here is what Rhett is up to:
*He is really good at spitting up. Ha! We have bibs and burp clothes on hand at all times.
*When he gets tired and is ready for a nap, he goes through about 5-10 minutes where he is very upset and inconsolable. Then, all of a sudden, he will pass out. It's a little frustrating and I can't figure out why he is all of a sudden doing this. His naps have also been really short and I have to rock him for a long time to get him to go back to sleep. We are slowly working through it.
*He is the happiest baby (unless it's right before nap time). He almost always has a smile on his face, he laughs all the time and he is so content laying on his play mat, hanging out in his monster seat or jumping in his exersaucer. He is the sweetest!
*He likes to wake up early. Noooooo! Some days he sleeps in til 7:15, but most days he starts squirming and up around 6:15. 

Here is our life in pictures...

We had lots of cousin time this month. Jude is only a year older than Brooks, so they like to explore and play together. There are also lots of lessons on sharing happening those days :) but, it's good for both of them.

We walk the quarter of a mile to our mailbox every day (when the weather is nice). Everyone enjoys the fresh air!
I Moose Have a Hug

I had the boys make some cute Valentine's Day crafts for family members. I love how they turned out.

I love these sweet boys!!

I'm not sure Whiskey found a big enough stick...

Since the weather was nice several days, we ventured up to the swing my grandpa built for Brooks. He absolutely loves this thing.

Melt My Heart!

Happy 1st Birthday Ryder! We loved getting to celebrate with the Ramsey family!

Passing the bucket onto Whiskey.

Gotta love comparisons...Both boys at 19 weeks.

We went to SkyZone with my moms group one Thursday. The kiddos had a blast...and so did we!

So proud of himself for building that stack of blocks :)

They are the cutest!

Best job in the world!!!

We had a weekend getaway the first weekend in March...the kiddos were well cared for, but I enjoyed getting to FaceTime them! :)

My life!

Brooks had fun at library time this week getting to sing songs, meet new friends and read books. 

Love this little boys! 

Walks with the babes

What a fun month it has been. Each day I see a glimpse of these two boys playing together and it makes me so excited for when they are both running around and exploring together. Until then, I’m going to cherish every moment of this baby stage with Rhett. 

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