Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Morris Brothers 17 & 2

All about my kiddos...
Brooks turned 17 Months on the 1st.
Rhett turns 2 Months on the 9th. 

Oh man, these photos this month just cracked me up. I posted more of the bloopers at the end of this post!

I had to take this pic a couple days early so it could make the blog.

This month has flown by! How is my newborn already 2 months old!!! He is precious in every way! 

What Brooks has been up to:
*Brooks is talking like crazy! He repeats almost anything you say. I think his new favorite word is frog! He will point out every frog in every book. He picks out the two frog bath toys and he loves to say it over and over again. He also loves to say Whiskey ***that’s our dog’s name*** but it comes out Hittee. 
*He is identifying animals and can say what they are and the noise they make. He is really good at dog, cow, sheep, frog, horse, fish and owl. 
*We are still only rockin’ 7 teeth, but I think 2 more are on the horizon. 
*He loves playing peekaboo. 
*He loves to pull Winston’s hair. 
*He LOVES his brother. He gets upset when I put Rhett down for a nap and he can’t hang out with him. He also cried one day when I dropped him off in his class. He was crying and yelling “bubby, bubby, no!” When I returned to pick him up, he was so excited and started saying “yay, bubby”. Rhett has passed Mom and Dad on the importance list. Haha!

What Rhett has been up to:
*He is precious! 
*He had one week where he was pretty clingy and didn’t want to be put down, but most of the time he is really chill and doesn’t mind hanging out on the boppy or playmat. 
*He is napping really well in his crib. I rock him until he is almost asleep and then put him down. He usually naps about an hour at a time. 
*He is an awesome sleeper at night. We put him down around 9 and he sleeps until about 5. I feed him at 5 and put him back down. He is usually good until about 6:30 and then he gets fussy. I can usually rock him and get him to go back to sleep, but he is a little unpredictable from about 6:30 - 8. I’m not sure why that is. 
*I think he is going to be a mama’s boy. 

Here is our month in pictures:

Granddaddy’s boots.

Such a book worm! I love it!!

Fun play date with friends!

He loves playing in his sandbox every day. I don’t know what we are going to do when it gets cold. 

Helping Mom get ready! 

Nothing beats a cute towel picture!
Look at that smile!

Brooks wanted to hold his hand!! Melt.My.Heart!


I think Orange is in his future!

We go on lots of walks!

I LOVE their sweet newborn photos! I finally got Rhett’s canvas made and got these hung up in the house. 

So sweet. 

Craft night!

Brooks’s Art

Rhett’s Art

Thanksgiving 2017

This is the sweetest picture!!! Thank you Samy for these cute shirts!

I LOVE his smile!


Bucket heads!

This is Brooks’s favorite word! Haha!

TWINS!! Trevor is on the left and Rhett is on the right. There are soooo many similarities!

I love days when I can get them down at the same time!

Thanks Uncle Wes and Aunt Katy for this cool hat from Alaska!

We love walks!


Rhett’s first time meeting Santa!

Checkin’ Santa out...

Asking Santa for more cars. 

BA Christmas Parade 

Baby Dedications at church...

I love my sweet family!

We dedicated our sweet Rhett. We made the commitment to raise him in a Godly home and help him become a fully devoted follower of Christ. 

Making messes while Mom is on the phone. 

Those of you that know Brooks can hear his high pitch scream as you see that photo! Haha!

Gosh, I love him!

I absolutely love getting to hang out with these two every day. I have found my calling! I don’t want to rush time at all, but I am so excited to see these two play together. I know they will be best friends!

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