Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Highlights!

According to Instagram, here were my top 9 photos...

I’d say it accurately portrayed the highlights of my year...
Getting pregnant with baby #2, enjoying family time on our fun new Polaris Ranger, celebrating Brooks turning 1, moving into our dream home on land after MONTHS of hard work, welcoming Rhett into the world and  becoming a family of 4. 

It did miss a couple

My brother got married in St Thomas!

We had a really cool gender reveal!

Trevor shot his 1st turkey. 

Trevor went to work for his dream company called CCK. 

My baby started walking!

My amazing moms group threw me the cutest baby shower. 

My grandparents celebrated 65 years of marriage!

And my best friend got married!

We received so many blessings this year. But, sometimes blessings come only after you have endured a trial of your faith. Building our home was a HUGE blessing, but goodness, it took way longer than we expected and more hiccups than anticipated. It definitely tested my patience and made me have spiritual checks when things weren’t going as anticipated (with a baby due so close to our move in date!). Another blessing was Trevor’s new job at CCK. We are so thankful for this company and Trevor’s position there, but, it took some leaps of faith to get to this. We started our own business and went full time in January of 2017. It took that leap of faith to sell our house and build one that in the long run would be much better financially. It took that leap of faith to set us on the right track to finding Trevor’s dream job. Those weren’t things that happened overnight. It took patience, it took hard work, it took a few hard conversations, it took a lot of trust and it wasn’t always easy to know the right next step. Like I said, this year was amazing and life changing, but it was hard. It has stretched me, pushed me, humbled me, and ultimately made me closer to Jesus and a better version of myself...which isn’t always easy!

I’d like to say I want life to not be so crazy in 2018. But really, I just want to follow Jesus wherever he is taking me just like we did in 2017. Following God’s call for your life is not always easy (if ever) but it is worth it! If 2018 is equally as crazy as 2017, I pray that I handle all the craziness with more grace, strength and Godly character. 
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful NYE!! I am welcoming 2018 with open arms!

Friday, December 29, 2017

December Date Nights

December is always crazy, I’m sure for everyone. Trying to wrap up (or start) shopping for Christmas, parties, family time, etc. But, we still managed to be intentional with date night, although some were Christmas related. ;)

December 7th: We has our Life.Church worship team Christmas party that night so we moved our date night to Friday night. We got on the computer and finalized Christmas shopping. I definitely felt accomplished after this date. :)

December 14th: This was our big date night for the month. We went and saw Eli Young Band at the Cain’s. My parents came over around 5 to watch the boys and get them down for bed so Trevor I went to dinner at a new sushi place and then headed to the concert. It was a really fun night together. 

December 21st: This was our first night of Christmas services at church. So, I was at church most of the evening. Then, when I got home Trevor and I made popcorn for dinner and watched Seinfeld. I romantic. Haha. We enjoyed it though. Our Christmas celebrations started the next day, so we were excited to just relax before all the hustle and bustle. ;)

December 28th: we kind of skipped this day...whoops! We were able to get so much family time around Christmas and again the following weekend for New Years, we considered that date night. I think we also were so off schedule with the holidays that we forgot what day it was! Haha!

I’m excited to see what fun dates we can come up with in 2018. I’ve got a couple already planned that I’m looking forward to. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Our 7 Christmas Celebrations!

I absolutely LOVE Christmas! This year was even more special because of my kiddos. Last year was great as well with Brooks, but this year he really got into opening presents and knew when gifts were for him. It was so cute! Rhett obviously didn’t have a clue what was happening, but I still loved getting to include him in all our Christmas traditions. 

First thing on the list was getting pictures with Santa! We don’t really get into the whole Santa thing, but I did want to make it a point to get their picture taken. We went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory the first Saturday in December. I loved that there was no line and they worked with us to get a good picture. :)

We have so many holiday pajamas for Brooks, I decided to make it a point to dress him in new ones each day as we counted down to Christmas. 

Our last ones had Santa on the feet! Gosh, he is such a cutie!

Helping mama bake cookies!

Celebrating the birth of Jesus at Life.Church

I didn’t get as many photos as I wanted with each group of family members; we were all hands on deck with both boys, so I enjoyed being fully present wherever we were. 

1st Christmas: Celebrating with cousin Jude

His faces! Haha!

2nd Christmas: Celebrating with Granddaddy

3rd Christmas: Our family Christmas on Christmas morning

4th Christmas: Celebrating with Grandma and Papa

5th Christmas: Celebrating with Great Grandma. 

6th Christmas: Celebrating with Grandma, Opa, Uncle Wes and Aunt Katy

7th Christmas: Celebrating with GG and Grandpa Great

GAG Gifts

What a crazy awesome couple of days filled with seeing family and celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus. I have the BEST family and I love that spending quality time together is such a priority among our families. We love you all so much and we love that you spoiled our boys (and us) so much this year. 

I hope you all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Morris Brothers 17 & 2

All about my kiddos...
Brooks turned 17 Months on the 1st.
Rhett turns 2 Months on the 9th. 

Oh man, these photos this month just cracked me up. I posted more of the bloopers at the end of this post!

I had to take this pic a couple days early so it could make the blog.

This month has flown by! How is my newborn already 2 months old!!! He is precious in every way! 

What Brooks has been up to:
*Brooks is talking like crazy! He repeats almost anything you say. I think his new favorite word is frog! He will point out every frog in every book. He picks out the two frog bath toys and he loves to say it over and over again. He also loves to say Whiskey ***that’s our dog’s name*** but it comes out Hittee. 
*He is identifying animals and can say what they are and the noise they make. He is really good at dog, cow, sheep, frog, horse, fish and owl. 
*We are still only rockin’ 7 teeth, but I think 2 more are on the horizon. 
*He loves playing peekaboo. 
*He loves to pull Winston’s hair. 
*He LOVES his brother. He gets upset when I put Rhett down for a nap and he can’t hang out with him. He also cried one day when I dropped him off in his class. He was crying and yelling “bubby, bubby, no!” When I returned to pick him up, he was so excited and started saying “yay, bubby”. Rhett has passed Mom and Dad on the importance list. Haha!

What Rhett has been up to:
*He is precious! 
*He had one week where he was pretty clingy and didn’t want to be put down, but most of the time he is really chill and doesn’t mind hanging out on the boppy or playmat. 
*He is napping really well in his crib. I rock him until he is almost asleep and then put him down. He usually naps about an hour at a time. 
*He is an awesome sleeper at night. We put him down around 9 and he sleeps until about 5. I feed him at 5 and put him back down. He is usually good until about 6:30 and then he gets fussy. I can usually rock him and get him to go back to sleep, but he is a little unpredictable from about 6:30 - 8. I’m not sure why that is. 
*I think he is going to be a mama’s boy. 

Here is our month in pictures:

Granddaddy’s boots.

Such a book worm! I love it!!

Fun play date with friends!

He loves playing in his sandbox every day. I don’t know what we are going to do when it gets cold. 

Helping Mom get ready! 

Nothing beats a cute towel picture!
Look at that smile!

Brooks wanted to hold his hand!! Melt.My.Heart!


I think Orange is in his future!

We go on lots of walks!

I LOVE their sweet newborn photos! I finally got Rhett’s canvas made and got these hung up in the house. 

So sweet. 

Craft night!

Brooks’s Art

Rhett’s Art

Thanksgiving 2017

This is the sweetest picture!!! Thank you Samy for these cute shirts!

I LOVE his smile!


Bucket heads!

This is Brooks’s favorite word! Haha!

TWINS!! Trevor is on the left and Rhett is on the right. There are soooo many similarities!

I love days when I can get them down at the same time!

Thanks Uncle Wes and Aunt Katy for this cool hat from Alaska!

We love walks!


Rhett’s first time meeting Santa!

Checkin’ Santa out...

Asking Santa for more cars. 

BA Christmas Parade 

Baby Dedications at church...

I love my sweet family!

We dedicated our sweet Rhett. We made the commitment to raise him in a Godly home and help him become a fully devoted follower of Christ. 

Making messes while Mom is on the phone. 

Those of you that know Brooks can hear his high pitch scream as you see that photo! Haha!

Gosh, I love him!

I absolutely love getting to hang out with these two every day. I have found my calling! I don’t want to rush time at all, but I am so excited to see these two play together. I know they will be best friends!