Wednesday, November 29, 2017

65 Years

I don’t know why I am so late blogging about this, but better late than never.

Other than becoming 65 years old, not many people celebrate something lasting 65 years. But, my grandparents broke the mold and this year they celebrated 65 married years. Wow! That is party worthy, which is exactly what my grandma did. She planned the perfect party.

November 2nd was their actual anniversary and we got to celebrate with them November 4th. Trevor and I drove to Kansas with the boys on Friday and got there by dinner. It was nice to have some extra time with them since most people weren’t arriving until Saturday.  

On Saturday we watched football. First, we watched K-State and then we watched our Cowboys. Brooks even enjoyed football, but I think he liked his tractors better. 

Aunt Lorri even gave him basket rides around the house. ;)

At the party we got to ask them questions and share special moments we had with them. It just proved to me that marriage isn’t always easy, but when you put God first, you aren’t the center of your world. When God is the main character instead of you, it’s easier to forgive, to extend grace, to love through all circumstances, to never give up...the list goes on and on. 

My grandma said one thing that stood out to me (well, she said a lot, but this one was thought provoking). She said she has enjoyed time with us here on earth, but she better see us in heaven so she can spend eternity with us there. Wow. Can you imagine being in heaven and seeing that not all your family will be with you. Or imagine the flip side, you are the one person who doesn’t get to be with the rest of your family. Let’s take the focus off you really want to live in a world without Jesus. Jesus is love. You would live in a world with no love. If you had the choice to spend eternity with the people you love most, why wouldn’t you take that step of faith and ask for a relationship with Christ. “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere...” sign me up! I agree with my grandma...I hope and pray I get to spend all eternity with my friends and family.

I’m so glad my kiddos get to spend holidays on the farm with these two like I did. 

What a great picture of father/daughters

We wore Brooks out!

We had such a great trip seeing family, hearing memories and stories from everyone, staying up too late and talking, eating my grandmas awesome cooking and just having family time.  Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! Thank you for setting the bar high and modeling for us a marriage built on the foundation of Jesus. We love you both so much!

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