Friday, September 1, 2017

Brooks is 14 Months

This month has been so exciting with this sweet boy. He has mastered walking and we are on to running. The sweet sound of his feet running on the hard wood floor are so cute! It's so cool seeing him understand me. Like, when I say "let's go upstairs" he runs over to the bottom of the stairs and waits for me to move the gate. Or when I say "let's put on our shoes" he runs to where we normally sit to put on shoes before we walk out the door. It's the coolest! He also understands "no" but doesn't always obey that one! :) He is a banana fanatic! If he refuses to eat food, I know that I can pull out a banana and he will devour it in minutes. He also has a new found love for Macaroni (or most any pasta). Once he sees pasta he refuses to eat anything else. Ha!

This month we had an awesome trip to Michigan that you can read about here. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from the trip!

I feel like I took a ton of videos this month and not as many pictures. He was just so cute to video while he was walking and running all over the place. 

Brooks and cousin Jude racing cars down the hallway. I know they will have a sweet friendship. 

Hanging out at EspressOh! with friends!

This picture just cracks me up! His hair is getting so long and crazy, I love it! He really isn't a fan of bath time, so this is kind of a rare occasion for him to be chill in the bath. Haha. 

This is pretty standard...Winston hiding and Brooks trying to get him. 

Check out these sweet kicks!!! Our foot is finally the right size! Thanks David for these awesome shoes!

Brooks has decided he is over sitting in the cart the right way. This is kind of the new norm. 

Melt my heart!!! 13 Months 18 Days
We had a fun evening with friends and all the babies were able to play. 

Gosh they are so cute! If only Brooks would sit for 2 seconds to take a picture! Haha!

We are beginning to climb on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!!

And taking everything out of every drawer in the kitchen is pretty standard every day!

He's already enjoying playing in our new cabinets!

And helping mom with laundry is our new fav! Haha!

We have started skipping some naps some days which makes us super sleepy in the evenings, especially when we take a car ride. haha!

So precious!

He is obsessed with books...which is adorable.

We cheered on the Cowboys for their first game and first win!

Each and every month brings new experiences and new surprises. He is seriously so much fun! I love getting to spend my days playing and teaching this little boy. I am having too much fun! I LOVE YOU BROOKS!

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