Saturday, July 1, 2017

Brooks is 12 Months

How is my sweet baby ONE!!!

He is the sweetest thing ever! His smile is contagious and his laugh will melt your heart! I also think he is the most handsome thing I have ever seen!...he gets his good looks from his dad!

*We had one more tooth come in this month. So now we have three total - two on the bottom and one on top. I keep thinking the other top one is going to break through, but it hasn't yet.
*He wants to walk holding one hand ALL THE TIME. Last month he really had no interest in this, but this month is a whole new story. I honestly think he could walk, but the second he feels you trying to release his hand he stops and tries to sit down. He has good balance though, he just seems unsure and doesn't quite trust himself.
*We have switched his morning bottle to a morning sippy cup. That was a big adjustment and one that Brooks was not willing to negotiate for awhile, but he now looks forward to his sippy cup in the morning. Now we need to work on that evening one.
*He is really starting to mimic sounds which is adorable.

He LOVES food! I'm so thankful he is not a picky eater. He LOVES fruit of any kind, but I do think blueberries are his FAV!

He has really enjoyed being in the pool. He likes being held and he is pretty content in his floaty.

He loves to splash.

New hat for his upcoming birthday. We had to get used to wearing it because he kept shaking it off. **That dimple!! :)**

This picture will FOREVER make me LAUGH! 

Brooks enjoyed Taste of Summer 2017.

Our second annual Taste of Summer. Last year Brooks was about a week old. Wow, how so much can change in a year!

Love these mamas and their babes!

We moved Brooks's bed around and had to move his monitor too...I don't think Trevor knew I was watching! :)

11 Months 11 Days

Celebrating cousin Jude's 2nd Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDE!

Happy Father's Day!!!! 
Watching mom and dad work on Brooks's birthday present.

I mentioned earlier that we started drinking from a sippy cup in the morning instead of a bottle. Some mornings we were happy go lucky....

And other mornings we had total melt downs when he wasn't offered a bottle! Thankfully, he seems to be over this battle! Haha!
"Look mom, we're the same height!"
11 Months 20 Days

Obviously we never used a paci. He found this and wasn't even sure what to do with it!

We love being outside and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather! Thanks Linda for this cute new shirt!!

11 Months 22 Days 
Like father like son


We climb on everything these days! 
Play time!

Brooks's cousins came into town from Florida, so we got a cute 4 boy cousin pic....Rhett will be in there soon enough!
Wyatt - Brooks - Waylon - Jude


This picture makes me laugh. There are a bazillion toys in the living room and we caught them all mesmerized by the door stop! Haha!
Graham - Brooks - Charlie

ONE YEAR OLD!!! I can't believe it! We are so excited to celebrate with a Red White and Blue party this afternoon!

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