Wednesday, May 17, 2017

1st Mother's Day

I can't say I really understood what all my mom did for me throughout the years until I became a mom myself. Being a mom is truly a selfless act, but it is SOOOO worth it! Thank you mom for all you have done and continue to do for me! LOVE YOU!

My mom was actually out of town for the weekend, so we haven't gotten to celebrate with her yet. But, we will make up for that this week.

I was scheduled to sing at church all day Sunday, so Trevor was sweet and we hung out all day Saturday in honor of Mother's Day. We didn't do anything extravagant, but I enjoyed the day just being together as a family. We went to the Rooster Day parade and then walked around the Rooster Day festival. Trevor took me to lunch at my favorite place, McAlister's. We went up to the hospital to see a friend who just had a baby. SUCH A CUTIE! We went to church together and supported our friends in dedicating their baby. It was really nice attending church together. I'm usually on stage during worship and then join Trevor after, but it was really nice to stand together during worship. And then we went home and cooked dinner together. It was a great day in my book!

Boogie almost slept through the whole parade. The drum line in the marching band woke him up. 


When I got home, I had a surprise delivery from my brother and sister-in-law! So sweet!!! They are in full bloom right now at my house!

On Sunday I was at church from 7-7 but I did have a small break for lunch. I went home and we ate lunch with Trevor's family. Shout out to the best mother-in-law a girl could ask for! We are currently invading her home with a baby and two dogs and she is still nice to us! Haha! But seriously, I have the best mother-in-law who raised an amazing man that I call my husband!

Trevor/Brooks surprised me with a couple gifts that were so thoughtful and the CUTEST cards! I'm one lucky gal to have these two in my life! When I got home at the end of the day Trevor had cooked me an amazing dinner. He honestly slaved in the kitchen for over an hour preparing this meal and it was DELICIOUS! 

Thank you Jesus for entrusting me with this sweet baby (and another one on the way) so that I can have the name "mom." It's the BEST job I will ever have!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there!! 

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