Friday, December 30, 2016

December Date Nights

We did much better in December than November. :) December was still a hectic month, but we made date night happen!

December 1st: Well, we attempted to have a sushi making date night, but we had some things going on that evening and by the time we got to the kitchen and looked at the instructions, it was close to 8:30 and we wouldn't have eaten until close to 9:30, so we decided to postpone. To be honest, I had a pretty bad attitude about it. I was frustrated because we hadn't had a date night in a month and it felt like it wasn't a priority. It was brought to my attention that I could keep up my bad attitude and ruin the whole evening, or we could get in the hot tub, watch a movie, do something else and make the most of it. So, that's what I did. Plus, Trevor said that he would take me on a date the next day because he had a fun idea in his mind. So...

December 2nd: We made a trip to Pawhuska to go shopping at the Mercantile, which is the Pioneer Woman's new store. We got up super early, loaded Brooks up and hit the road. We got there around 7 and had breakfast at her restaurant. 


Then we went shopping and got a ton of people Christmas presents. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get anything for myself. :) I absolutely loved her store. Once we get our house built, I'm going back! 

December 4th: Since we bought several ingredients for the sushi making, we thought we should make it soon so it didn't go bad. So, while I was at church on Sunday, Trevor got everything prepped for sushi night and when I got home we made sushi!




Overall, the sushi tasted pretty good, but there was an underlying rice wine vinegar taste in every bite that wasn't very good. We did eat it for dinner, but we threw the rest away. 

December 8th: This day was actually mine and Trevor's 12 year dating anniversary and it was our last night in our home forever. We decided to start getting in the Christmas spirit and we watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. We had been busy busy busy trying to pack up our house for the big move, so it was nice to just lay in bed and relax a bit. 

December 15th: We finished Christmas Vacation (we both fell asleep the week before! Ha) and wrapped Christmas presents! We had most of our Christmas presents purchased, we just had to get them wrapped. Basically, I wrapped and Trevor marked off the gifts on his spread sheet as I wrapped them. Lol! I knew if I didn't rope Trevor into helping me somehow I'd have to do them all myself. 

December 22nd: We went ice skating! Broken Arrow set up a small rink downtown BA, so Trevor picked me up from church (we were having our Christmas Eve services), we stopped at QT and got hot chocolate and then headed downtown. 


We had so much fun! That night we came home and got in the hot tub!

December 29th: We postponed til the 30th because I got Trevor 4 tickets to the OSU vs West Virginia basketball game for Christmas. We invited our good friends, Randy and Cassie. It was a fun day baby free...thanks dad for watching Brooks!


I can't believe our next date night will be in 2017!! If you haven't started date night in your marriage, I challenge you to start in 2017! You don't have to do it every week, just make it a priority, plan when you're going to do it and stick to it! Happy dating!!!

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