Friday, July 22, 2016

Brooks' 3rd Week

Wow, how time flies! I am seriously loving every minute...well, most moments, if I'm being honest! Some of the crying I could probably do without, but I also use it as an excuse to cuddle just a little more with baby Brooks those days! 

On Friday, Trevor and I headed to Affair of the Heart so we could get out of the house for a bit and walk around. We just strapped Brooks in our baby carrier and he was totally content. We did feed him right before we headed inside and when I put him in the baby carrier he spit up for his first time since in the hospital. Of course, it went all down my nice black shirt! New mom lesson #1: not only pack your baby a couple extra outfits, but pack yourself a few as well! As least an extra shirt would be a good idea! Lesson learned!

Thank you Greiman's for dinner Friday night! Seriously, those enchiladas were amazing! So glad you got to meet Mr. Brooks! Seriously, this meal train thing is amazing! It is wonderful not to have to think about dinner plans or have to cook something when you are still getting to know your baby and not sure when they are going to be totally content or when they are going to need your constant attention. It has been such a blessing having people give in this way to us and we are so thankful!

On Saturday, Broken Arrow Main Street had their 2nd annual Taste of Summer event! Basically, you pay $5 and get to try  as much ice cream as you want. And you all know I love ice cream! It was also an excuse to get out of the house, be outside and walk around. I honestly consider myself somewhat of a homebody, but I have loved having at least one outing a day. Anyway, Brooks loved his first BA Main Street event...and by that, I mean he slept through it!

We seriously wore him out!
Those lips!!!! ;) 

We then headed to the in-laws because the storm that came through on Thursday caused quite a bit of damage at Trevor's mom's house. These photos don't even show how devastating it looks, but they lost every tree, except for 1 that line their driveway! 

We also got to see our nephews one last time before they went back to Florida! Somehow we managed to get this sweet picture of the 4 cousins!
From left to right: Waylon, Jude, Wyatt and Brooks

And here's just some cute pics!...

It's so funny how they curl up their legs and make their bodies look so short! Yes, this kid has seriously taken over the camera roll on my phone!

That evening we went to our neighbors house to hang out because they were grilling and smoking a bunch of food. 

He loves his carrier!

I feel like I've neglected poor Winnie the last couple weeks, so I made sure to give him some lovin' this week!

Speaking of good ole Winston, I really think he is enjoying being big brother/protector! Every morning this is usually what my view is! :)

And usually wherever Brooks is, that's where you will find our pups. 

Whiskey was even watching us from outside! It's so sweet, if Whiskey is outside and Brooks starts crying, he will run to the closest window and start whining. 

Both pups hanging out while Trevor was doing his daily reading. 

I was watching Brooks sleep through our monitor and noticed a certain pup joined him for an afternoon nap!

On Sunday our only plan was to make it to church! We even made it to the 8:30 service! But first we got in some sweet snuggles. 

That evening I gave Brooks his first bath where he could be completely submerged since his umbilical cord finally fell off. Trevor was helping his dad with some stuff, so I had to do it by myself! It went alright. He was usually mad when he was cold, but when he was in the water, he was pretty content. This kid just hates being cold!
He is the cutest crab!! 

He then had his 8:00 feeding and was out like a light!

Monday just kind of came and went, no pictures. Thank you to Kim and Kemp for bringing us delicious Smokies! We loved seeing you all, catching up and introducing you to Brooks! 

On Tuesday Brooks was full of smiles!!

That morning a friend asked if we would be a part of a Saint John photo shoot for some of their print ads and we of course said YES! I can't wait to see the pics that were taken! The best part was heading to Trevor's work after to introduce him to all his co-workers and then we had lunch together at The Daily Grill. 
I've got the best looking lunch dates!!!

That afternoon, Brooks and I went home and napped! It was my first time to nap during the day when Brooks was napping and it felt good!

That night, Trevor and I had our date night for the week since our normal Thursday was going to be a little hectic. I'll blog about that later though! ;)

Wednesday kind of came and went really quickly as well. The only picture I got was of some tummy time!
He seriously loves being on his stomach! If he ends up being a tummy sleeper when he's older, he definitely got that from his mom! That was the one thing I truly missed when I was preggo!

Thank you to the Conrad's for yummy Panda Express!! I'm also excited to announce that me and a friend have a new business in the making! Stay tuned to hear more about that later!! ;) 

Brooks had a little trouble falling asleep Wednesday night, so, super dad strapped him in our carrier and walked until they dropped! 

Thursday was a great day! Brooks was just in the best mood all day and it was so much fun to see him so alert! Of course we got our morning snuggles in first...

He also got a bath and of course we had to get a cute towel pic!
Cutest polar bear there ever was!!

Today we were all rockin' our OKLAHOMA shirts!!

Clearly Brooks was excited about this family photo!

Happy 3 weeks Brooks Gabriel! You seriously light up our lives!! You love being outside, meaning, you will be crying and we walk outside and you instantly stop. You love being carried in your baby carrier. Again, if you are crying, we strap you in that thing, walk around the house and you are out. You love the sound of the vacuum. I just turned the vacuum on the other day so I could quickly get ready and you were so content. You hate being naked/having your clothes changed/or anything that might make you cold. You usually sleep really well at night in your crib, although you have your moments and we let you come sleep in our room in your basinet. My favorite time of day is in the morning. Trevor usually feeds you around 5, then you come in our room. When I wake up I let you sleep on my chest for awhile before you eat again around 8. It's the best way to start my day seeing you smile! However, you were NOT full of smiles this morning when I was trying to take your 3 week picture! You also lost your sock somewhere, but since you were Mr. Grumpy this morning, we decided this picture was fitting!
We love you so much!!!

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