Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How We Found Out...

November 1st started off as any normal day. Trevor and I woke up and our plans were to make breakfast, go to church and then we had a laundry list of errands to run! While I was getting ready for church, Trevor made us delicious Mountain Dew Waffles (thanks Moody's for the recipe!). 

Normally Trevor comes to church the day that I'm leading worship, but I happened to be leading worship on Saturday on this particular weekend and Trevor did not want to miss the OSU vs TTU game. Plus, it was Halloween!

So we made plans to just go Sunday morning. We pulled in the parking lot and all of a sudden I started feeling really sick. I really wanted to see the message, so I told Trevor just to give me a minute. We eventually made it in and at times I felt perfectly fine and other moments I would get really hot and have to fan myself...which is weird because I am always cold and LifeChurch is normally really cold inside. I made it through the church service, thankfully. We had plans to go to lunch and then go grocery shopping, but I told Trevor that he just needed to take me home. I ended up laying on the couch all afternoon and threw up several times. I hadn't thrown up since we came down with a 12 hour bug on our honeymoon, so I really didn't know what to think. Since it lasted almost all day, I really didn't think it was morning sickness. By the end of the evening I told Trevor that I just needed some fresh air. We ended up taking a ride on the motorcycle and then ate a little dinner before going to sleep. 

The next morning I woke up pretty early and my mind kept going back and forth about whether or not to take a test. I had taken a few over the course of the previous months, and it was always really disappointing to get a negative result. So I just didn't know if I had the heart to take one. I did my bible study since I couldn't go back to sleep and by the end of reading I thought it was okay to take a test and that I would be okay either way. "Faith is facing the facts without being disheartened by them because you know God is greater than any situation." This was part of my reading plan and it really made me feel God Confident. Well, I took a test and you can guess...POSITIVE! To be completely honest, I didn't really believe it. So I laid back in bed and wrote out how I wanted to tell Trevor. I waited about 30 more minutes and then I took another test just to be certain. It said POSITIVE really fast, so I felt a little more confident. 

I decided to go ahead and start getting ready for the day, even though it was still super early. I got ready and then got everything ready for how I wanted to tell Trevor. I had written him a poem, so I just had to figure out how to present it to him. We always read from Jesus Calling in the morning, so I slipped the poem in that day's devotional. When we were eating breakfast I asked him to read, so he flipped to November 2nd and found my note. He was super excited to say the least! The whole day we were just on cloud 9! And thankfully I didn't get sick all day! I was definitely nervous about that since I was sick the whole previous day. 

Here is the poem I wrote Trevor in case you want to read it:
Since December 8th, 2004 it's been just you and me 
And I'll never forget the day you got down on one knee
It was the beginning of an amazing life
That all started June 4th, 2011 when we became husband and wife
I can't believe how quickly time has passed
But I love the memories that will forever last
I love our puppies, our home and our lives we live today
I wouldn't have it any other way 
But I know there is more in store for us this year
Because I just found out the best news, my dear 
It's time to get a gun safe and complete my ring with our savings
And get ready for some sleepless nights and midnight cravings
I promise I will try to resist
But I'm sure Häagen-Dazs will be at the top of my list 
I hope you're ready because it's time
For high chairs, cribs and bedtime story rhymes
I can't imagine my life with anyone but you
And it's exciting to think in 9 months it won't be just us two! 
Or four if you count Winston and Whiskey
I'm sure they are excited for child number three 
Congratulations DAD, and get used to this new name
It will be your new claim to fame
I can't wait to see if it's a girl or a boy
But I'm already so in love with our bundle of joy! 

I am just so in love with this guy! He is going to make the best daddy EVER!!!

For this child I have prayed and the LORD has granted the desires of my heart. 1 Samuel 1:27

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