Friday, August 14, 2015

Random Summer Shananigans

I cannot believe how fast this summer has flown by! This is my last Friday of freedom/sleeping in/lounging with puppies/binge tv watching/clean clean house/shopping/spending way too much money/you get the point! To be completely honest, I am SUPER excited about this coming year! I already know most of my students and I can't wait to hear about their summer + I am working with some of the most amazing people! Bring it on Thursday!

There were a few things over the summer that we did that I never wrote a whole post about, so I decided to just combine them all here!

Here we go..........
Back in May my brother and his girlfriend came in town for Memorial Day weekend and since my parents are still in their apartment and don't have a spare bedroom, they ended up staying with us a couple nights. They spent most of the weekend at the lake, but I always enjoy the time that we spend together!

On May 26th our sweet pup had to have surgery. When we first got him we were told that his dewclaws were removed. We quickly realized that one was not completely removed but we weren't going to deal with it unless it became a problem. Well, it became a problem. He must have caught it on something because we noticed that it was looking like an open wound and it was swollen and possibly infected. So we had to take him in to have surgery on it. It didn't keep him down for long though.

On June 6th our neighbors and really good friends tied the knot!...seriously they.are.the.cutest!


What a fun wedding!! They wrote their own vows which seriously made you want to laugh and cry all at the same time. They were just perfect! And then we danced the night away! We are just so happy for these two and wish them the happiest of years to come!

Are you still with me??? I told you this post was random!!

On June 26th my friend Andrea and her husband Matt had a baby shower. And I'm so excited to announce that she had her baby yesterday, August 13th! What a perfect gift on the perfect day!
This woman is seriously going to be the best mom!!! She is so patient, kind, loving, selfless, creative, fun, the list goes on and on! She had a baby girl named Zoey and I cannot wait to meet her!

On July 11th we made a trip to the lake with our friends Katie and Andrew. Katie's dad has a boat that he lent them for a little while, so we were happy they invited us out for a day. Trevor got to do some skiing and wake boarding. I just enjoyed relaxing on the boat and getting a little sunburn tan!
Love these people!

This summer Trevor and I have been obsessed with Chicago Fire. I've always watched Chicago PD and since they cross over occasionally, I thought I needed to go ahead and get addicted to that show too. Luckily, after I watched a few episodes Trevor decided that he liked it too, so we were committed and watched all 3 seasons this summer. We had the brilliant idea to watch an episode in the hot tub one evening! Trevor had just started working out and he was a bit sore, plus it was one of the cooler evenings, so it was perfect. So excited for the next season to start!

Speaking of working out, about 5 weeks ago Trevor and our neighbor Randy started doing Insanity every morning in our garage at 5am. We kind of joked about it only lasting a couple weeks, but I am super proud of them! They are still at it every morning. I tried to snatch a photo of them, but it was really dark.
Since Trevor was making good decisions every morning, I decided that I needed to get with it too! I decided that I wanted to do the Race for the Cure again, so it was time to start running again to prepare. I have mentioned before that I basically suck at running, but I'm still trying! I like to take Whiskey with me because it makes it a little more exciting, plus I get distracted watching him that I forget that I am running.

Last week I decided that I needed a change, so I chopped off all of my hair and I am LOVING it! It's my back to school haircut!

For those of you that are still with me on this post, this is the last thing that we have been up to! :)
A friend and I decided to go to the Shania Twain concert this past Wednesday in OKC. When we got to OKC we ate some dinner at Bricktown Brewery and then headed to the concert. We were so excited when we go there because we realized Gavin DeGraw was opening for Shania Twain and we had no idea! I was SO EXCITED because he is seriously one of my favorite artists! It was such a good concert! Of course the music was amazing, I loved all of her outfits and the lighting was really good! What a fun night with an AMAZING friend!!



Obviously our seats were in the nosebleed section but we didn't care!
WHAT AN AMAZING SUMMER IT HAS BEEN!! It has definitely gone quickly, but I am ready to get back in the swing of things!

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