Saturday, February 21, 2015

Valentine's Day Weekend

Since we just did our big trip to Beaver Lake the weekend before, we thought we would keep it low key for actual Valentine's Day. That afternoon we went up to my school to use the gym and play basketball. We hadn't just shot around in awhile, so we thought it would be fun. We played Horse and Around the World, then we played one-on-one which was interesting. I was so tired after just an hour of shooting around!! Goodness, I need to get in shape! It was mainly my back that hurt, well, that and my arms, legs, etc! :) 
We then went home and got ready for the evening. Trevor has been asking me what I want for my birthday and I told him I want a nice pair of sunglasses. He actually said he wanted the same thing! (We tend to do that...last year we both got a new pair of boots!) This always seems to work out in Trevor's favor because his birthday is almost 2 months after mine, and he always gets his birthday present when I get mine! I think he plans these things! We decided to go look at sunglasses before we went to dinner. Well, looking turned into buying! (We also tend to do that...give each other gifts WAY early! ) Then we headed to dinner! We ate at Cafe Ole on Brookside! It was delish! Then we headed to the concert. Trevor loves Josh Abbott Band, so when we found out they were coming to Cain's on V-Day, I knew Trevor would want to go. I like Josh Abbott, he's just not my favorite. But, it was definitely a good concert and I know Trevor had a great time! The opening act was pretty good too! I really enjoyed him...his name was Hudson Moore!

The next morning we got up and made Red Velvet pancakes! They were amazing!!

I also celebrated my one year with LifeChurch! It has been such an amazing experience singing there every weekend, and the musicians there are so kind hearted and so talented!
I hope everyone had a loving Valentine's Day!!💝

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