Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day

This year all I really wanted was quality time for Valentine's Day. Trevor is right at his busiest time during busy season so he gets home after I've already fallen asleep and I'm usually gone in the mornings before he wakes up - occasionally he wakes up to have breakfast with me. So we celebrated Valentine's twice this weekend. 

On Friday night we had a night in!

We grilled some Omaha steaks we got from a friend - Thanks Katy!! along with asparagus and veggie kabobs (onions, bell peppers, zucchini and squash). Delic!!!

And then we ended the night with my yummy Oreo cheesecake!! *Cheesecake Factory's got nothing on me!*

On Saturday Trevor had to work for 10 hours so I hung out with this guy...

Then when Trevor got off work we got all dressed up and headed to Mahogany. 

We have only eaten there once for one of Trevor's work events and I couldn't get over how amazing their salmon was, so Trevor decided to splurge on me for V-day and take me back!! As I expected, it was AMAZING!! 

So all in all I got exactly what I wanted for Valentine's Day- some QT! 😘

On Sunday, Trevor again had to work 10 hours, so I got up and made him sour cream pancakes! If you have not tried these, you are missing out!!! We won't eat a normal pancake again...they are that good!! Recipe here:

That evening I got to do something really exciting!! I will now be singing praise and worship at the lifechurch in BA and I could not be more excited!! Sunday evening was my first time and I had such an amazing experience! It was truly uplifting to be a part of it and it was an honor to work with such talented people!! I couldn't be more excited for this opportunity! 
-thanks for the photo Rhett!!!

I hope everyone had an amazing Valentine's Day weekend. I know it is just a corny little holiday, but I think it is a great reminder to love. Whether it be a spouse, fiancé, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, neighbor, coworker...who ever we interact with. God calls us to love - Him, your neighbors, your enemies - more than you love yourself. And those small special things we do on Valentine's Day to show love, well those are things that we should do every day! I think it is just a great reminder to put others before ourselves and to show random acts of loving kindness!

The man replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.’ They also say, ‘Love your neighbours as much as you love yourself.’ ” (Luke 10:27)

God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways. (Galatians 5:22, 23)

Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good. Love each other as brothers and sisters and honour others more than you do yourself. (Romans 12:9, 10)

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