Sunday, October 21, 2012

HOCO Weekend!

We had a busy little weekend. For starters, OSU had their Homecoming and it was a priority to go there to see all the festivities. We had planned to stay the whole weekend and tailgate for the game, but plans changed and we were only able to go Friday night for walk arounds. Trevor's parents were also interested in going to see all the house decks, so we went with them and we even brought little Whiskey. For the most part we had to carry Whiskey because he has not really learned to walk on a leash and there were so many people there that it was easy for him to be stepped on. It is hilarious how a puppy can get so much attention because every few feet someone was saying "ahhhhh can we pet your puppy." 

The only pictures I took were of mine and Trevor's sorority/fraternity house decks.

Here are pictures of Gamma Phi/Sig Ep

Here are some pictures of Phi Delt/Zeta

Not one ounce of me misses pomping these things! They are definitely enjoyable to look at and I love that OSU has this tradition, but pomping was honestly my least favorite part about college! But it's great going back now and seeing all the hard work that was put into this occasion!

We also got pictures next to our houses signs.

On Saturday I ended up just watching the game at home because Trevor went to a hunting thing (hence the reason we were only able to go to Stillwater Friday night). By the third quarter Whiskey knew we were going to win, so he took a little nap.
When Trevor got home from his hunting thing we went to dinner with friends and then had people over to our house! It was a great way to end my fall break...oh yes, did I mention I was on fall break this past week...I almost forgot about it myself because I think I was more busy on my time off than what a normal week would be.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday Funday, we are just hanging out and relaxing a little! Did anyone make it out to Oktoberfest this week? We went on Wednesday when they had corporate night...Thanks EY!


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