Sunday, May 6, 2012

Handyman 101

Handyman and woman!

As mentioned before, we decided to cut some costs and take on some projects at the house ourselves...first up: painting the trim on the outside of the house. The base house price comes with an exterior house color along with one accent color (shutters, doors, etc...) but we wanted to add a trim color as well, and we thought that would be pretty easy! Well let me just say that we were both really sore after tackling this project...and it took a lot longer than we initially thought.
Trevor took off work last Friday (4/27) so him and his dad could start painting early. (I felt bad because it was Trevor's birthday and all he did all day was paint. I guess birthdays just aren't as fun when you get older). Then on Saturday we went back and painted almost the rest of the house. We got everything done except around the back windows and doors, so yesterday and we went to the house and finished the job! Here are some pictures documenting our progress!..
This picture was taken while the workers were actually painting the house. I don't have a picture of the base color complete before we started painting the trim.

This was taken on Friday after Trevor and his dad were finished for the day. They did all the top peaks, above the garage, around a couple windows and had started taping for the next days painting.
ACTION SHOT! Trevor at the top of the ladder!

ACTION SHOT: me painting all the lower stuff!
ACTION SHOT: finishing up the back

back completed
front completed...PLUS we have a mailbox!!!!
They have made so much progress on the inside, later this week I will post some pictures of that! It is really coming together and it actually feels like a house now! We are SO excited for everything to be completed! I have loved watching the progress...I hope you all have enjoyed it as well! It really feels like our house now since we have started to put work into it! ;) Thanks for reading and keeping up with our lives!!! And a SPECIAL THANK YOU to those who helped us paint!!! We couldn't have done it without you!!!

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