Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sew Cute!

This past week I got an invitation to a friend of mines baby shower. So this past week my mom and I went shopping for her and her up and coming baby girl. I didn't find anything that I just desperately wanted to get her, so I decided to break out my crafty side! For Christmas my mother-in-law and grandma-in-law got me a sewing machine and everything I need to go along with it. Because I had just started a new job, I have not had any time to break it out and start doing any projects, so I thought this would be a great opportunity!
My mom is amazing at all this stuff and she tried to get me to use her machine so she could help me, but I obliged and said I needed to learn on mine, so we spend one whole night just putting everything together to start sewing! I'm glad she was there or I'd still be sitting there wondering where the thread goes!!
I decided to making a baby blanket! I looked on my friends facebook to see what colors she was decorating her little girls room (pink and green) and I decided to go with zebra and green polka dot fabric!

First I started out by cutting both fabrics the same size. I then laid the fabric so the pretty sides where facing each other and I pinned them together.

I then jumped in and started mom was so proud of what she had taught me she started taking pictures! (On a side note, my mom and I have been spending a lot of time together because Trevor is at work so late every night...I think it has been good for us, she has taught me to sew and I have taught her to text...YES, my mother is just now learning to text! Better late than never!)

After I sewed all the side together, leaving a small opening on one side, I flipped it so it's not inside out anymore. I then ironed the blanket.
When it was completely ironed and flap, I sewed around all edges again to create a little border.
It just wasn't complete yet, so I decided to put little bows on the corners!

Her baby shower was today and I was so excited to give it to her! I also got her a couple other cute things...

 zebra dishes!

And bath toys...the LAGOON PARTY!
And here are a couple pics from the shower...
And that's all folks!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...for me...I'm glad it's a 3 day weekend!! ;)

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