Thursday, October 27, 2011

Goodbye Branson

Well, this is officially my last week in Branson! We got everything moved out of my apartment last weekend and I am staying with a friend this week. I was such a nice wifey, and I let Trevor move me out of the apartment a week before OSU homecoming so he could go to homecoming! I'm so thoughtful (secretly, I really wanted to go to homecoming as it was a win win!)

The last 2 rooms I packed up were the living room and my little bathroom...Trevor's stepbrother and fiance came in town with Trevor to help us move out (thank you so much!!) so I wanted to make sure the living room was still functional until the last minute possible...and I had to leave the shower curtain and things up in my bathroom so people could shower and things. I decided to go ahead and combine these last two rooms on this blog because everything is officially moved out of the apartment!

Living Room:

Most of the decor was added after the wedding...thank you friends for helping make it feel like a home! ;)
I love the clock! was not the funnest thing to hang! haha!

That TV stand took Trevor about 20 hours to put together! Good think we liked it after it was built! ;)
I loved having a balcony this year. Winston loved to just sit out there and watch people. 

The purple bowl was a wedding gift! ;) and the wine bottle holder is a gift Trevor gave me last year for has an M on it.

The picture on the bottom shelf was one that I did on a is a bunch of little pictures bunched together to make one large picture. A friend recommended the site to me and it made for a great gift for Trevor.
View from the balcony
My Little Bathroom
This is seriously the smallest bathroom in the world...but I made it work.


Just two more nights in Branson and then I will be joining my husband in Tulsa. It is definitely bittersweet because I have met some of the greatest friends here and my job is an absolute blast, but I am definitnely excited to see what the future holds, and of course actually get to live with my husband!

Goodnight all! Hope you have a wonderful Halloween weekend!!!! I just got my costume together...I am going to be a witch! Get excited to see some pictures!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

My Craft Project

Let me just say that I am not the most crafty person. I weigh the options of being crafty or just buying, and usually just buying wins. But everyone seems to be making those rosette flowers for headbands, picture frames, broaches, etc... So I decided it wouldn't be too difficult. I wanted to do something special for the girls at work, and since I'm usually taking pictures and things when we are out doing stuff, I decided to buy some frames, print some pictures that we have taken together, and make the rosette flowers to put on the frames! It was a success!

I looked up some tutorials online and then just made some stuff up and wahlah! Here is what I did!

First you will need scissors, fabric (whatever color you want your flower to be), an iron, frames (or whatever you are putting your flower on) and a hot glue gun.
First, take your fabric and cut into two inch strips. If you are making more than one flower, go ahead and cut however many strips you need. Fold in half lengthwise and iron. Then tie a know at one end.

Next you will need some kind of backing for your flower in which you will glue the fabric to. The tutorial said to use interfacing, but at this point I didn't have any of that, nor did I even know what it was. So I asked my mom what it did, and since I didn't have any, I decided to make due with a dryer sheet. So creative...I know. Then hot glue your knot to the center of the dryer sheet.

Now you are ready to get started!! From the knot, you will start some kind of variation between twisting, wrapping and gluing. You just twist the fabric a couple times, then wrap it around the knot, and glue it down. It will look something like this
 After you have everything glued down, you need to cut off the excess dryer sheet around the flower. And a flower would not be complete without a cute little center piece. ;)
Next, you need to glue your adorable little flower to your frame and add whatever picture you want in your frame. Here are mine! ...
So much fun to make and so easy!! I'm glad I didn't just buy some flowers to put on the frames! This way, it turned out exactly how I wanted it to! Thanks DIY!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Favorite Room in the House

Slowly but surely I have started packing up the apartment, and this past weekend I tackled my favorite bedroom. Every other day I go to the local liquor store to collect boxes. Their boxes seem to be the most sturdy because most of them were filled with glass prior to my stuff! The first thing I bought for this room was the bedspread/duvet cover and designed everything else around it to make it my favorite room!
Bedroom! I have to start with the TV...we used to have a massive, not so cool TV in the bedroom, but since Trevor is usually watching sports in the living room on our nice TV, this is usually where I end up, so I decided to buy a nice TV for the bedroom as well. 

I absolutely LOVE my bedspread (or duvet)! After the wedding, we added the large yellow Euro pillows in the back, and I think they really added a lot. Trevor picked out all the bedroom furniture before we even got engaged...luckily, I do like it! ;) We got the lamps at Pier One...Trevor just put the OSU garter I wore at the wedding on his lamp shade! And the blueish blanket at the end of the bed was a Christmas gift last year and we felt like it went really well with everything in our bedroom.
The pretty flower arrangement my friend helped me put together! ;) And my cute little clock that ticks really loud and drives Trevor crazy!

There were originally doors covering the closet, but when you tried to open the doors they were really close to hitting the bed and it just seemed really clustered, so we bought some black curtains to cover the closet. I was really pleased with how it all looked.

My little bookshelf! My favorite color is purple, and I saw in a magazine the shades yellow, light blue, and purple being a good color combination for a room, so I jumped on that and decided to paint my originally white bookshelf purple to go with my yellow bedspread and flowers, and light blue blanket. Starting at the top...the top shelf has one of my favorite pictures of me and Trevor. It is our prom picture. I know it's old, but I just can't replace it! On the second shelf, I have displayed my rehearsal ribbon bouquet from the wedding and gifts from people. The third shelf down holds my Graduation stuff! And the bottom shelf just has some books and one of my favorite pictures with my friends!

My other little originally white shelf gone purple!

Good bye little room!!
 Although all the furniture is still in the room, everything else has been boxed! In one week everything will be gone! I can't believe my time here has gone so fast!

Only two more rooms to showcase on the blog!! My bathroom and living room...coming soon!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Wonderful Weekend!

Living and performing in Branson, Trevor and I have had quite a few people come and visit us this year. This is one reason we decided to get a two bedroom apartment for our time here; and it was definintely a good decision...

There hasn't been a dull moment since we moved in.
The weekend before our wedding, our wonderful married friends, Andrea and Matt came to visit us...
We went to White Water for a day!

And miniture golf is always in the schedule! ;)
At this time, I had weekend off, so they weren't able to come out to the park to see the show, but we got two whole days to hang out, which was great!

After the wedding, Trevor's dad and Beverly came in town for fourth of July weekend!
We went down to the landing a couple times and spend LOTS of time out on the lake.

And watched some lovely fireworks displays!!
The following weekend, Trevor's mom and stepdad came in town...
We spent most of the time on the lake with his mom's sister and her family. We got our fair share of sun this weekend, which was well needed! ;)

Next up was Nichole and Josh...
One of the evenings they were here, we we on the Branson Belle

Then they came to see my show before heading out of town.
Lately, I have not had much action here at the apartment with visitors until this past weekend, when my amazing friends came back to visit! Andrea, Matt and Matt! ;)
They were so sweet and they came to see my show and have lunch with me on park!

the happy couple golfing!

Woosies!! ;) (too long to explain that!) I hope you are reading this Andrea!
  We played lots of Cranium and had a great time! So glad they were able to make it again before my time here comes to an end!

Although I'm moving out of my apartment next weekend, we still have one more set of visitors coming! I have loved my time here in Branson and I am so appreciative to everyone who came to visit and came out to support! Love you all!!

To top off this great weekend, OSU had another win!!! YAYYYY!
Here is my sidekick supporting the one and only team!

What A Wonderful Weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Me Time

I am definitely a person who loves my "me time." I never really mind being alone. I usually prefer shopping alone, especially if I am looking for something specific; and sometimes when I'm watching one of my favorite TV shows, I enjoy watching it by myself because I worry if the other person is enjoying it or not and then I end up not enjoying it. I know, sometimes I think I'm crazy too!
When living with Trevor, I would sometimes come home from work and just want 30 minutes to myself. I'm sure he was worried I was becoming depressed or something, but in order to not be depressed, "me time" is crucial!  
I used to think I was the only one who really enjoyed this time to myself, because Trevor doesn't even like going to walmart alone. But the more people I meet, the more common I find this need.
Well, after getting married, living with Trevor a month, and now living alone for 3 months, my "me time" isn't looking so great! I have way too much time to think and way too much time for TV. And I obviously have nothing better to blog about other than my "me time." haha! I have tried going to exercise in our gym at the apartment, but my feet are usually tired from dancing in heeled boots all day and no one is ever in there either, so I still end up being alone. Winston is always here with me of course, but he is lazy and sleeping a lot of the time!...

Anyway, I'm sure this is something that I'm always going to want, but I am definitely counting down the days until I get to come home to someone (Trevor)!!!
**17 DAYS!!!**

Monday, October 3, 2011

Goodbye Little Bathroom

As I mentioned before my time here in Branson is coming to an end slowly but surely. Trevor was here this past weekend, and of course he took more of our furniture back to Tulsa. He took most of our outside furniture, so it really didn't effect much inside the apartment. This time I have decided to say goodbye and post pictures of our guest bathroom to go along with the previous post of our guest bedroom.

Please notice the picture above the toilet! A very good friend painted that for me! ;) She gave it to me at my bridal shower and she was so clever to paint me a sunflower because we used sunflowers at our wedding!
The white/cream colored rug is one of those microdry memory foam bath mats. They are so soft!! I highly recommend it!! 
Trevor and I picked all of this bathroom stuff out together. We bought it last year, and it was probably the first thing we really picked out together, which was exciting. Once we moved into the apartment in Branson and started decorating the guest bedroom, I wanted it to flow with this bathroom stuff so we incorporated the color green in both rooms. I really liked how it all turned out!

This bathroom is actually the largest in the I will post later, the master bathroom is teeny tiny! But this bathroom did it's job and was spacious enough when guests came into town. Also, since my little master bathroom is so small, Trevor used this bathroom when he lived here.

In the next week or two this bathroom will be all packed up! Goodbye little bathroom!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Badgers vs Corn Huskers

Here is Branson I work with some people that have gone to both Nebraska and Wisconsin, we so decided to have a little football party to watch the game last night! We ate delicious chili, yummy queso, and lots of other scrumcious food! ;) I decided to make a dessert!..I'm pretty sure I got this little recipe from a friend in college!! I'm sure you will know who you are if you are reading thanks!! Oreo Balls. I know, it's a terrible name. I have thought about making up a new name for little dessert, but nothing has come to mind yet..if you have any ideas by the end of this blog, please let me know! ;)

Here's how you make them
First, all you need is almond bark, cream cheese, and oreos
First you mash up all the oreos...some people may have a better method, I however put them in a walmart sack and smash them up. Usually I double bag them because most likely you will put a hole in at least one of the sacks. After you smash up the oreos, you mix the oreos and cream cheese together! I used my handy dandy mixer that I love!

Before you melt the chocolate, get a cookie sheet (or whatever you plan to put the oreo balls on) ready. This needs to be able to fit in your freezer, so make sure it is not too large. I like to lay foil down on the cookie sheet so I don't get my cookie sheet dirty. Once the oreos and cream cheese are mixed, you need to melt the almond bark. I usually only melt half the almond bark, then once all of that is used, melt the other half. If you melt it all at once, sometimes it hardens back up before you get a chance to use it all and the chocolate starts looking gross.

Then you just roll the oreo/cream cheese mixture into small balls and dip them in the chocolate. Once it is completely covered, lay it on the cookie sheet.

When you have finished all of them, place the cookie sheet in the freezer and let them sit in there for a couple hours. After a few hours, you can take them off the cookie sheet and place them in a tupperware and keep them in your refrigerator.

Here are a couple pics from the party...

Picture with the gorgeous host!!
I obviously don't have a Nebraska or Wisconsin shirt, so I just continued supporting OSU even though they werent playing anyone.
 Although Nebraska was just killed during the game, we all had a great time!