Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What a Wonderful Weekend!

This past weekend was definitely fun and unique!! This year with my job, I got lucky and got Saturdays and Sundays off. These are usually really busy days out at Silver Dollar City, but since we all have to take days off, I got the random draw of getting Saturdays and Sundays off. This works out great with Trevor living here, because we are able to go to weddings and get out of town for different functions on the weekends!

This particular weekend we had to go back to Tulsa for a wedding. Since Tulsa is much closer to Stillwater than Branson, I decided to go ahead and get my hair done back in Stillwater on Saturday morning! I decided I needed a change...as if getting married wasn't a big enough change in the last month! I have NEVER had short hair in my life, and it just sounded like fun...



Like I said...I have never had short hair before, but I think I am going to like it! I have to wear a fall (kind of like a wig) everyday at work, so my hair is always back in a pony tail, so this is definitely easier to manage!

Saturday evening was our good friends, Sarah and Brandon's wedding.

With the Groom!

With the Bride!

It was a beautiful wedding and we were glad we could be there to support our friends!!! Once you have planned a wedding, you have so much more appreciation for someone else's wedding and all that goes into it!

On Sunday we hung out with family and then headed home!! Overall, it was a great weekend and we got to see and hang out with a lot of friends from back home!! ;)

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